83 A new perspective. (1/2)
I think it's time for them to go to school.” I continue to polish my nails while I wait for Angrod's answer.
”Do you really think that's necessary? They already know everything that's important. And if they regain the rest of their memories....” Angrod answers me with a complicated face.
”You are too soft on them. It will be good for them to be together with others of their age. And the teachers there are doing nothing else than helping children with too much knowledge.” I smile at my husband. Yes. They will go there and learn a little lesson.
”That sounds like you bribed the teachers there.” Angrod scratches his cheek.
”I did nothing of the sort. I just met some old faces and gave them detailed instructions on how to handle the situation.” I smile a heart warming smile while I think about the future.
”You totally told them to be as strict as possible! Who is working there!?” -Angrod
”Oh... people like Samarin, Jeniva and most important Tongrod!” I answer cheerfully
”The raccoon geezer is still working as a teacher? ....Celes, don't you think you are going a little overboard with this punishment?” -Angrod
I bathe in another of Seria's screams. They are a little muffled because she is in a soundproof room. But they are clearly audible. ”No?”
”Those screams are disturbing! What did you do to her?” Angrod has a few pearls of sweat on his forehead and looks a little jumpy.
”If you go and help her, you will be next! And by pulling that stunt on me, Seria volunteered to test a new drug of mine.” -Me
”That sounds like it was a failure.....” -Angrod
I think about it and answer. ”No. I tried to find something to stop the pain during the metamorphosis-process. I didn't find anything. But I found a drug which induces the phantom pains alone. I used it on Seria while monitoring her brain waves. Maybe I will get a hint on how to stop the pain.”
”You are using our daughter as a lab rat?!” Angrod looks shocked at me.
”Seria lost all her advantages with me by pulling that stunt. From now on she is on the short leash! And by assisting in this project, she has at least a little value for the future of our society.” I glare at Angrod, but he looks away.
”And why are you punishing Aengus too?” -Angrod
”It's a lesson to prevent future mistakes. If they both know that I will punish them both for the mistakes of one, they will try to stop each other from causing mischief.” I nod at my words and give my fingernails the last touch.
Yes! Perfect!
”I see the logic behind that.” Angrod stands up to leave the laboratory.
”Where are you going dear?” -Me
”Back to work. Those screams are disturbing.” Angrod turns around and vanishes.
I shrug my shoulders while I listen to the music of my educational methods. If that won't teach them respect. Nothing will.
Maybe I should cover my hairpins with the drug? It seems to work fine on gods...
***Somewhere else on a nameless planet***
”Hihihihi.” Mortals are surely stupid! You can play so many tricks on them as a god.
”Oh great Eris! Goddess! Tell us how to deal with these demons!” The knight bows down in front of my statue.
”Dance the Hokey Pokey! Stand up, wiggle your butt, raise your hands above your head, and shake them wildly as you rotate 360 degrees. If you do this before each fight, no harm shall befall you!”
The knight gives the statue a dumbfounded look. Obviously he didn't expect an answer. ”Yes! My Goddess! Thank you for answering my prayers!”
The knight stands up and rushes out of the cathedral. I go to my knees while i laugh and crawl out from behind the big statue. Just imaging him doing something like that makes me to hyperventilate.
Although the demons become a real bother as of late. I already heard about the new powers trying to control the outbreaks.