58 A mount for a goddess? (1/2)
I am currently walking through Midpoint to take a look at the town. During the last four years, I was really rotating from left to right to get everything into order.
First I tried to explore the void in order to leave this world like many other gods. But like them I soon realized that we are stuck on this world for the moment.
Nobody can navigate inside the void. There are no pathways you could follow. I guess that's why Tjenemit took the approach of letting himself being summoned. But after interrogating him for a few months I came to the conclusion that he really doesn't have another solution to the problem.
Of course I learned much interesting stuff about the Council and it's members for example.
There is El Shaddai. He is something like the leader and he looks like a golden statue of Buddha. He is a creepy fellow who can be completely nice in one moment and the next he calls down the apocalypse on anything he doesn't like.
During the great war between the gods, he gathered all the Council members and created peace by defeating everyone else and sealing them away.
I will call that period as time of chaos, because it was everyone against everyone. It looks like the Council didn't rule since the beginning of time after all. It's just what's being told to the younger gods.
As of now the only gods who remember that time are the Council members and the gods who are living inside the Council's city. They belong to the Council's personal army and are fanatics if I understood it correctly.
Then there is Lada. She is something like the bad conscience of the Council, but nobody gives a shit about her opinion. She was always on Seria's side when the Council had a discussion about her, so Tjenemit hates her.
She is a brown haired, normal looking woman with fable for too short skirts? I am not sure why Tjenemit insisted on that piece of information.
Amaru is a technology freak and responsible for the Council's win in the great war. He created the Sphere of Sight, which gives them the ability to spy on everyone almost anywhere. He also invented various weapons, but the mana-crystals weren't his invention. The Council's city existed way before them, they just took it from someone else during the war.
He has the appearance of an old scholar with grey hair and a monocle, which is his personal treasure.
If that's true the history of the multiverse may be way more complicated than we thought.
Then we have Enyo, who is a crazy fighting maniac. Most of the time she would be in charge of the army. If she has some free time she always indulges herself into carnage and destruction.
From Tjenemit's description she should be a perfect candidate for that black hole sealing method.
She is easy to recognize, as her whole body is covered with tattoos. She tends to wear full body armour and has short white yellow hair.
Eris isn't much different from Enyo. She is always striving to create trouble for everyone else. There is nothing she is more happy about than to see others suffer.
She has black hair and really pale skin but otherwise she looks like an ordinary human being.
Lastly we have Elohim. He is a mysterious fellow who keeps to himself. A balanced individual. He always does what he believes the best for himself. Even though he was the only one who backed Seria together with Lada, it looks like he did it for opportunistic reasons.
He has green hair and is some kind of elf. There are always plants growing on him, which sounds creepy. Why should someone intentionally grow plants on his own body?
Though I think I may have managed to give Aengus a broader view on the world by letting him join those interrogations. Of course I never told Celes about this. She would behead me if she knew!
After Aengus managed to overcome his heroic demeanour, he was a perfect help in tortu.... interrogating Tjenemit.
I am proud of my son to say the least!
Then I had a pretty hard piece of work with putting our society back in order. Of course many smart asses were helping me, but it doesn't really account as help if everyone has a different opinion.
Sometimes it's really good to have someone who has the last word! Fuck democracy! If I would have let them continue to discuss the problem, the multiverse would have ended before they presented me an answer which satisfied them.
We are still running with something like a guild system. It's working for the moment but of course it is still far from perfect.
First a guild needs a unique purpose. Like the warrior's guild is guarding a building against trespassing, protecting people and goods. Then it can offer this service to others in exchange for guild points which is now our currency.
A god would only start to work, if he wanted a luxury item which could only be provided by another god. So most of the services are traded for valuables and magical artefacts.
Frustrated by our inability to get outside the void I then committed the biggest mistake ever. And if I say ever I mean EVER!
Celes was pregnant with another child and I was alone in my lab in the evening. I was trying to piece Seria's soul back together by using the help of my palace.
It is a pretty strong conjuring point for mana and souls. Luckily we are inside the void and Seria's …. pieces didn't fly off too far.
When Celes found out what I was attempting to do she …..persuaded? ....convinced? .....wooed? ….
….. she forced me to put Seria's soul into our child's body.
According to her, she didn't want to give birth to some stranger. Hah... our society got pretty disturbing. Imagine every newborn child has the personality of a dead person or at least some memories of a past life.
”Daddy! More to the left! I want to see that statue!”
My head gets yanked to the left. The little girl on my shoulders is using my horns like a driving wheel while she uses me as a mount to explore the city. She has red hair and very similar features to her mother. Though she is obviously much more than a three year old child.
”Daddy, what's that statue? It seems familiar.”
”That's a statue of you Seria.” We are in front of a temple and there is a really fine statue of the Goddess of Life and Death in front of it.
”A statue of me? But I am naked!? Mom hit me until I turned green and blue when I ran through the house naked yesterday!” Seria uses my horns to urge me forward. ”I wanna see that building from inside!”
I start to move and walk slowly into the ordered direction. The attempt to revive Seria worked in a way … and didn't in another.
Seria kept some of her memories, though she clearly lost many of them. From what I could gather she only kept the more recent ones. Her personality is a little different too. Though not in a good way.
She is really childish now. She was childish before too, but you could realize that she was just playing around. She wasn't taking the world seriously.
Now I would judge her mental age around ten. Though she has much more knowledge than a ten year old should have.
Unfortunately she forgot how to travel the void. I still have hope that she somehow remembers how to. Sometimes she gets access to some memories which were locked before.