47 My daily life? (2/2)

Until Death Golden_Time 33870K 2022-07-20

”Angrod!” Celes calls out to me from behind.

”Hrm?” I turn around and look at her. I am a little tired.

”Eat that!” She holds a few pills in front of my face and gives me a glass of water.

”Oh, please! Stop it. You are feeding me with strange pills for months now. I am surprised that I didn't get sick!” Celes sure became a real health freak when she found the reason for the royal bloodlines child problems.

It was a simple lack of vitamines. Our bodies have to get the resources for their high performance from somewhere. And the lack of those resources leads to ….. well.

”Do I have to lay you over the knee and force feed you before the secretary and your guard?” -Celes

”Hrm. You wouldn't do that. Besides I doubt that you could catch me.” I look at her belly, which had gained considerable size. ”You sure, you aren't hiding twins in there?”

”Being caught by your pregnant wife wouldn't hurt your image at all I understand.” Celes looks down at me from above.

I take a look at the female secretary, which is looking at us expectantly. She has furry ears, probably some kind of hamster. ”If you tell anyone about this conversation, I will make you a nanny for the child and bet with Drem how long you survive!”

The secretary goes pale and nods. ”I wouldn't bet on such a serious matter sir.” Drem answers with a cold voice.

I take the pills and eat them. ”Hooh? So you think you could take care of a child with the strength of several adults?”

”I am confident in my survival sir.” -Drem

”You hear that honey? We have a volunteer.” I smile at Celes and get smacked over the head.

”I wont leave my children to anyone else besides family. And if you don't do your share in watching after them there won't be any chocolate any more!” -Celes

The secretary grins at me and I stare daggers into her. No choice. I swallow the pills and drink the water.

”This feels like I am ill.” -Me

”From my perspective you, Nicosar and Arthur are all ill. It's like you don't get the needed food.” -Celes

”Well doctor. Maybe that's exactly the problem. Didn't you wonder about this world's sick biology. It's like someone threw the ecosystems of multiple worlds together to see who would survive.” -Me

”You are right. We should ask Seria the next time we see her.” Celes answers with a sarcastic tone.

I shrug my shoulders. ”Maybe She abducted people from many different worlds and set them free here to do some mad experiments on them Mwahaha.”

”A.. Anyway. Are you done for today?” -Celes

”Hmm. I think so, why?” -Me

”Then come. I need something from you.” She pulls me out of my throne and leads me off to the private area of the palace.

”You know how this looks?” -Me

She sighs. ”I don't care. You should be mature enough to stop your teasing.” She leads me to the living room and picks a few documents from the table.

”Look! It's a boy! I made some pictures with your new CT scanner! What should we name him!?” She grins at me while she shoves the black and white pictures into my face.

”Yeah, I see. Hmmm. We could call him Aphrodium to always remember how he came to be!” I smile and nod.


Oi. She hit me with the pictures!

”No. Way!”