45 Until death? (1/2)

Until Death Golden_Time 83340K 2022-07-20

Married? I am getting married to that crazy girl? I admit that our relationship really got better, but it still feels unreal. Am I getting cold feet? No, I am too old to run away from a wedding ceremony.

After a few seconds to gather myself, I walk to the window and take a look out of my room.

The whole city looks like a rainbow..... I don't want to complain, everyone has his own tastes. But if I watch this view it's freaking me out. Fucking crazy world!

This is a marriage and not a damned carnival! I just have to think about the whole event and my head starts to spin.

First they want to put us into a car and drive us around the whole city for everyone to see. Then we visit the biggest cathedral in the city to get married by a priest. Afterwards we have to meet all big noblemen and officials at a festival. This is just to give them the possibility to congratulate us.

Last but not least, we will have a small party with a few selected guests. My head is spinning just by thinking about it. I am not a social person. I dislike it to be treated as some kind of exhibition-sample.

”Are you done?” Rose bursts into my room. ”Yes, yes, I am done dressing up. No stress!” I wave at her to calm her down.

”Oh, no! You can't go out like that. Your neck-tie is so sloppy! And you didn't put on the traditional markings!” She immediately starts to correct my appearance. First the tie. Afterwards she plucks at my black suit at least for five minutes and then paints a complicated tattoo onto my cheek.

It's some kind of tradition. I don't like to put make-up onto myself and had hoped I would get around it. They are dressing me up like some kind of bird!

If I think about it. This world seems like a mix of every culture, I ever knew. Hmmmm...

”Rose, don't you think it's enough? We are almost out of time.” I try to redirect her attention.

”Oh no, you are right! But you have to look perfect. This will be your biggest day ever!” She drags me outside, where a stunning red haired beauty is waiting. Her hair is woven around her horns and there is a really complicated pattern painted around her eyelids. Her black dress emphasises the important curves at the right places. This is dangerous.... I have to think straight..... let me see.... Pi is 3.14159265359

”Are you ready? If we drive now, we will be just in time.” The beauty prompts us to proceed.

DAMN! That put me off my stride!

”Isn't that a little too much effort? How long did you have to keep still for this?” I don't like make-up. But whoever worked on Celes did a good job.

”You have no idea. How do I look? Was it worth it?” She smiles at me warmly.



”It doesn't look good? How can that be? It took so long to find the right dress!” Celes stomps on the floor and pouts.

”I think the young king wanted to say that no words could describe your beauty my queen. You both look okay, so let's go now. We have a schedule to keep.” Rose jumps in and saves me.

Why did I just freeze up like that? Fuck, I have more experience in life than anyone could imagine! Could it be that this new body is causing me trouble? Hormones? Could it be? I never felt anything like that as a god.

We proceed to the throne room, where the other family members are waiting. ”Oh you two look beautiful!” Katrine explodes with joy.

”The time sure flies by. It feels like yesterday, when I could still carry you around with my tail.” Everyone gives Ireth a shocked look. Yes! Think about your own shortcomings mother! I was right when I thought that it isn't proper to treat a child like this.

”You can use your tail like that? Now I remember that you did it a few times with me.” Celes waves her tail before her to inspect it. ”I often felt like I could use a third hand.”

”Don't copy her bad habits!” Arthur jumps in. Thank you father in law!

”We have to go!” Nicosar shoves us into the direction of the exit. He is right, we have a tight schedule.

Outside we enter a limousine and a procession of guards and servants starts on its way. ”Now this is really a full blown carnival!” I look back at the line of gaudy vehicles behind us.

”It's funny. I never had a marriage like that. And I had many marriages until now.” Celes seems to be in a good mood.

”At least I just have to wave at the people and smile.” I have to be positive. There is no point in focusing on the bad things.

Yes. It's not that bad! Think about it! Even if I get married to her again in this life..... it's just one life! It's just a few years and then I am free again. And while I am at it, I can take advantage of the good aspects.

There are many guys who don't care about personality. Why shouldn't I be able to become one of them too?

Our car leaves the palace grounds and I can see thousands of people, all of them are trying to get a look at us.

Suddenly Celes links arms with me and waves at the crowd. There are thousands of people cheering at us. I smile and wave at them. Yep. I officially hate this day. When we get married, I will make this day a working day! Everyone will have to go to work and pretend that nothing is out of the ordinary!

People, who are celebrating in any way, will be executed on the spot. I will be damned if they make this something like a national holiday.

”You have that strange grin again Angrod.” Celes whispers into my ear.

”R.. Really.” I try to lighten my expression.

”Now you seem really stressed. Just think about something positive. We have much to do today. There are many important points on my list.” -Celes

”About that... I actually think that...” But I get interrupted.

”Ohohoh. I can remember my wedding night! Arthur was so wild!” Katrine bursts out. ”Unfortunately, I found out that I can't teach my daughter anything in this respect.”

I think I will just teleport away, as soon as this is done. Yes. Nobody can catch me. I will say yes and amen. And when everything is done, I will make a run for it and have my peace.

While we drive around the city I dwell in my own thoughts. Of course I keep smiling and waving at the people. After hours, it must have been hours because the car continued on, with a constant velocity of walking speed. Finally, we arrive at the cathedral and exit out of the car.

People throw confetti at us, while we walk inside. Rice guys! It's supposed to be rice and not confetti! I want to cry, who messed this culture up?

At least there is nobody allowed inside the cathedral. Just the priest and a few novices are waiting for us. At least this ceremony is short. It was explained to us beforehand.

We are led in front of Seria's statue. Then the priest carries a bowl of water before us and mutters a few words which I don't understand.

Then we both hold a hand into the water. ”We are here, in front of our goddess and the gods to witness the marriage of these two young people. May their life be happy. May both of them care for each other and face all hardships together. Are both of you willing to give yourself to your partner and protect him or her from any harm. Will you stay with each other until death?”

”Yes.” -Celes

Actually I have to think for a second! This is a really heavy and meaningful promise you know! Even more so if you think about it a little. I just realized that we now both know about each others reincarnations. So are we now married until death, or until death?

*Poke* *Poke* *Poke*

Ugh! Damned tail! ”Yes!”

”Then I declare you both a married couple. May you live prosper and in peace. King Angrod and Queen Celes.” The priest bows to us and smiles.

Celes jumps at me and I have no choice but to catch her in a princess carry. ”This is an important point. You have to carry me back to the car.” She gives me a kiss on the cheek. The priest chuckles at my sight. Obviously her lipstick left a mark.

I nod at the priest and turn around to carry Celes outside. As we leave the cathedral, the crowd almost goes insane and some crazies start a firework.

Ey, it's in the middle of the day! Have at least some reasoning and start it during the night!

We arrive at the car and our family members congratulate us. Ireth has actually tears in her eyes, while she is hugging me.

But Rose already waves us inside the car. This is surely a tight schedule.

The festival afterwards couldn't be counted as a real festival. The location was a neat big garden... or should I say park? It was big enough to hold all the noblemen and officials in any case. There was a big line of noblemen, who congratulated us to our marriage.

Everyone gave us a present. At the end, there was a huge pile of gifts around us. Nobody paid a thought to what would happen if a thousand rich guys would give a present to the wedding couple. What a pain the ass!

I gave the order to Rose that she should confiscate the chocolate and the dangerous stuff. The rest should be given to someone who may need it.

It was already evening, when we arrived back at the palace. My face was hurting from all the smiling. I never would have imagined that it is possible to strain the muscles in my face like that. My left hand was numb from the waving. My right hand was sore from shaking hands with over a thousand people. If I hadn't used healing magic, it would be just a bloody stump by now.

Back at the throne room we were welcomed by everyone, who could be counted as a close friend. This involved some of our old teachers, the Cygnus siblings, the people from special class, as well as some closer friends of our parents.

Celes kept linking arms with me the entire time. After everyone had congratulated us another time, we proceeded to the big room which was reserved to receive guests. It is inside the private area of the palace.