29 A mad scientist in my lab? (1/2)

Until Death Golden_Time 38070K 2022-07-20

It has been a few months since the rebellion started. My parents somehow managed to take control of the situation and right now there is a complete blockade on the north.

There have been a few conflicts, but nothing serious. Just a party of scouts, running into another one. Small incidents, which aren't even worth mentioning on a continental scale.

By now we can be pretty sure, that the Nobles of the north were hoping to draw others onto their side. But by remaining calm, we took that opportunity from them.

My father and Nicosar are constantly travelling to keep an eye on the situation. Even though they use teleport magic, they are quite busy.

I am in my third school year right now. That makes me nine years old. But right now it's weekend and I am inside my lab! Mwahahaha!

Whenever I have nothing to do, I teleport into this facility inside a mountain. It is located in the north of Midpoint.

The whole complex is a work in progress. I offered every worker on the construction side a permanent employment and a pretty good payment in exchange for their silence.

Everything is financed through my new power plant. It's a cold fusion generator. Though a cold fusion generator would be impossible with science alone, with a little bit of magic here and there you can play a trick on nature.

We are providing the whole city with energy. And there is even enough left for some pretty cool experiments.

Right now my work-crew is building a particle accelerator for me. It's for one of my future projects. The materials come directly from the mountain. A part of the crew is mining everything that's needed.

This whole facility is already a huge complex, but I have something bigger in mind. For this, I will need a big amount of space and resources.

Mwaahahaha! Just thinking of it makes me laugh. Those suckers in the north will get a big surprise.

I love this place! Here I can play around as much as I want. Nobody to disturb me. Most important no Celes. She sticks to me like chewing gum on a shoe.

But here I …..

”Deeeaaaar! Guess who it is!” Someone covers my eyes from behind.

”Huh?” NOO! How can that be? I am sure I gave orders that nobody except me is allowed in this complex! I will massacre the security for this!

”Celes. How did you get here?” I ask in a moody voice.

”I copied the teleportation spell to teleport here directly. With your wristband.” -Celes

”Um... I am pretty sure I never let you copy that spell?” I ask. Did she modify the wristband to work from a distance? No. That would be too hard to do.

”I copied it from the wristband, you gave to our parents for cases of emergency.” -Celes

Damn! The simple solution is also the most effective! I turn around and see Stephen behind Celes.

”Oh. I see you have brought a visitor too?” I ask.

”Hi, you have a nice facility here!” Stephen greets me.

”Thanks, but it is still more like a construction site.” -Me

Celes turns around and looks like she is searching for something. ”Huh? Where is Margerie?”

The gears in my head begin to turn slower.

Stephen turns around too. ”Hmm, strange... three corners ago, she was still behind me?”

The gears in my head stop?

”You two want to tell me something? Surely it is not that you brought Margerie here? Surely you don't want to tell me that a mad scientist is on the run in here? There is tons of dangerous equipment and you tell me you let Margerie from the leash here? And she is without supervision?”

Stephen and Celes have both an expression on their faces, which says only one thing. GUILTY!

”If it helps, Tanja ran off earlier without asking. We couldn't catch her, so we didn't really loose her per definition. She said something about a perfect infiltration training and vanished.” -Stephen

I slap my head and walk over to a communication screen on a wall. Then I activate the communication link to the chief of security. His name is Drem Snowden and he and his team were selected by my parents.

”Yes?” -Snowden

”Errr, my friends paid me a visit via teleportation and two got lost in the complex. One is a happy go lucky ninja. The other is a mad scientist on the run. Could you please fetch them and bring them to the main lab?” -Me


”Understood. We search for a ninja and a mad scientist. Is the ninja dangerous?” -Snowden

”No, the ninja is not. But you are allowed to stun the mad scientist, if she is close to sensitive equipment.” -Me

”Heeey!” -Celes

”It is for her safety too!” -Me

Celes shoves me to the side. ”No stunning! Just bring her here!”

”Yes, princess.” -Snowden

Snowden deactivates the line.