27 Failure and an abandoned child? (1/2)
It is the end of my second school year and my project is developing quite fast. I took full advantage of this world's building capacities.
By now I also know why Margiere is so interested in levitation. It's actually quite simple. The people of this world are using magic devices for almost all aspects of work.
There are no cranes on construction sites. Instead everything is just levitated into the proper place. There is almost no use of electricity. Something I wish to change as soon as possible.
The heavy use of magic devices is a serious factor in their resource problems. I will have to replace most magic devices by something that relies on pure science.
But for now I am playing around with a magic device for myself. It's a wristband with the newest state of the art technology. I call it an assistant casting device. You can put it on and then it taps into your mana pool.
By recording one of your spells, you can set it now to activate the recorded spell on a pre-set condition. For example you could record a healing spell and activate it on the condition of being wounded.
Pretty convenient if you ask me.
I have many other projects, but I made this one my first priority in order to raise the fighting force of my facility's security. Imagine a trained guard to being able to cast healing, beside being an idiot, who never even looked into healing arts before.
Yes. That's right you can record a spell and then give the device to someone else. He can cast your spell through the device, despite of having no idea how the spell works.
And that is the main reason for this invention!
Mwahaha! And I will use it to record the stupid raccoon geezers ability! The cheat will be mine! I will be an immortal cheat character too!
Right now I am standing before Tongord and the lesson is about to start. Everyone is here, though Sven, Gabriel, Sandra and Iris have already started to train.
”Teacher Tongord? Could you please put this on and activate your regeneration ability once?” -Me
”What's that?” Tongord asks with a suspicious look.
”A spell recorder. Something I am developing. Nothing can happen, I have it already tested by myself.” -Me
”Hmm.” Tongord puts it on and activates his ability. Then he takes it off and gives it back. ”Here.”
I take the wristband. Hahaha! Now I …. HUH!? Nothing is recorded?
”Hmmm, that's strange. I thought I had made no mistakes.” I talk to myself.
”Nyahaha! Angrod is too smart for his own good! Tongord's regeneration is an innate ability and not a spell. He doesn't need to generate a magic formation which could be recorded. So it is obvious that there is nothing your device could record.” Tanja shoots at me from the side and my mind freezes.
”AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” I scream. How could I make such a basic mistake! All my work for nothing. I don't even need such a useless device because I can insta cast everything I need anyway. Ugh.
I fall to my knees and drown in self-pity. Haah, no choice here. I can just as well throw the thing to the dogs.
”Celes? I know its late but I have a present for you.” -Me
”Huh? Huh? A present? For me?! From you!?” Celes is shocked.
I put the wristband onto Celes hand who is standing beside me. ”There is shield magic and healing magic recorded inside this, all you have to do is to pour your mana into the device and think either ”heal” or ”shield” for it to activate.”
”Oh? Uh? Could it be that you made this especially for me, because I am so bad with magic spells?” Celes suddenly starts to cry.
”Ahem....” No? Why would you interpret it that way?
”Oooh! Angrod, you really still have feelings for me after all. I had almost given up hope after you didn't show me those blueprints! But they were my present and you didn't want me to see them in advance! And even going to your knees for this, it is almost like getting a wedding ring! Thank you!” Celes gives me a big hug.
Huh!? What? I don't get it! I... How can my actions be misunderstood like this?
”Tanja let's test this immediately!”
Celes and Tanja run off to do a training match. NOOO! Let me explain!