19 Interlude - At the centre of all things! (1/2)

Until Death Golden_Time 13850K 2022-07-20

I walk through a white nothingness. But when I concentrate, I can see currents and paths, which lead me to new places and new worlds.

When I reach out, I can feel them. And if I grab one, I get carried away to the place it leads me to. Inside this network, I can see dead zones.

Places where a soul can neither move forward, nor backward. If you loose yourself in one of those, you may never find out again. With no path to guide you, you would be damned to wander there forever.

That's why the others fear those places, but not me. At least not any more. A long time ago I got lost  in one of those. I don't remember how long I wandered there. In the end my mind knew nothing but white. And I gave up, I sat down and just watched the white nothingness.

But then I saw it. The place wasn't void of paths. They just flowed so slowly, you had to remain still and silent for an eternity, in order to become aware of them.

And so I found my way back. But the world I found when I came back, I didn't like it....

The path I walk on ends and I step onto a world of crystals. Before me is a shining City, populated by beings, who are beyond comprehension. Above me shines a blue sun, which is dancing a deadly dance with a black hole.

They are the council. Like megalomaniacs, they decide the fate of all. They wield the greatest powers, under all the gods. But I think they can only wield them because they build their city at this special place. At the centre of all things.

And the very first law they apparently decided, was for their rule to never end.

I walk through the City and see gods who are just empty shells. They walk around and talk, but their souls are dead. They are too old to remember what it feels like to live like me.

But unlike me they are not aware of it. They just go on to exist and don't care any more. But just to exist is not enough for me.

I step into the great hall in the centre of the city. From here the council rules them all. And all who step here just blindly obey in awe.

”Seria!” a voice calls out to me.