Volume 43 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Book 43, Final Fate, Chapter 2 - Mistake

The avatars of Autarch titanos and Autarch Mogg turned to stare at Ji Ning, puzzled

”That great tree was clearly capable of exhausting me to death… so why did Bowenya i added, ”And when you fought against it, it showed that it was sentient and capable of rational thought It wasn't like those other insane prisoners It followed Bowenya's orders to continue assaultingit I doubt it would've accidentally injured Bowenya… so why did he flee?”

Autarch Mogg hesitated momentarily ”Perhaps… since this was his final trump card, he felt rather nervous because you defeated all his previous ones? As a result, he fled i his expectations onceit impossible for him to flee”

”Darknorth, what are you suggesting?” Autarch titanos asked

”There's so said, ”But Autarchs… what you don't realize is that after I entered the Sacred Realeuard Tohich broke free from their foundations to assaultto pay an enormous price to try and kill me If you were Bowenya and had access to such a powerful tree-creature, hoould you eainst me?”

Ning shook his head, then continued in a low voice, ”If I was Bowenya, I would've sent the tree to attack before the 2,800 Hegeiant tree could've co me nowhere to run They could've surrounded and killed me with ease”

”That tree was clearly sentient and clear- it Why sacrifice a pair of Daoguard Towers and thousands of Hege that emons and Emperors… even if he would still be rewarded, the rewards would've been reduced”

”Most importantly of all… in the Sacred Realm, I meditated and trained on multiple occasions for extended periods of time In fact, I even pretended that I would rather wait for death than actually enter the Daoguard Tower Bowenya's response? He said that he would rather watchfrowned ”If he had that tree at his disposal, ould he have chosen to just watch as I died of natural causes?”

Mogg and titanos both blinked They didn't know all the details of what Ning had experienced in this hidden dian to feel that so was off

That great tree had been an intelligent, sentient being which was under orders to kill Ning no matter what Given hoerful and obedient it hy not use it earlier? Why flee i to watch over things frouard Tower?

The giant tree was extrey It was perfect for dealing against a failed Daolord like Ning! Unless Bowenya was a completely fool, he should've known early on that the tree would be a perfect counter for 'Daolord Darknorth'… but he refused to use it He waited until all of his other resources were used up and until his Daoguard Toas at the brink of collapse before using it


He would've rather watched Ning train fro's truesoul naturally collapsed instead of releasing that creature Why?

”Unless…” Ning's eyes flashed with a cold, hard light: ”Unless that tree originally wasn't here”

”Wasn't here?” Autarch Mogg and Autarch titanos both narrowed their eyes

”It wasn't here… which hy Bowenya was unable to do anything to me I trained for multiple chaos cycles, and all he could do atch! If the tree had been here this entire ti said ”He waited until I was at the verge of conquering his Daoguard Tower He probably grew desperate, at which point he begged the Sithe commanders for help, and they sent over that tree-creature in response”

”So where did the great tree come from?” Autarch titanos said heavily

”One of the forly look appeared on Autarch Mogg's face: ”Did it perhaps come from the Sithe heartlands?”

Mogg and titanos shared a worried glance The two of the the Dawn War Creatures like the giant tree would've definitely been classified a the most powerful of Sithe war assets They were even more important than Sithe Exalts!

They didn't really want to believe it, but… it now seemed that the likeliest explanation was that it really did coions of the Sithelands!

”But we've already locked the Sithe heartlands away,” Autarch Mogg muttered irresolutely ”Even if they ca”

”Too one past The Sithe were probably able to devise a way to avoid the seals without us noticing,” Autarch titanos said heavily ”They are superior to us in so many areas”

”Darknorth, thank you for infor ”We didn't suspect a thing at all Once the next war begins, the Sithe would've been able to slip out with us none the wiser We would've continued to stand guard over this place while they assaulted the rest of the Chaosverse We would've been caught completely flat-footed”

”Autarchs, you only arrived at the very end to rescue me and so you didn't know the details of what happened here It was only when I reflected on all the things that occurred since my arrival into that hidden dimension that I realized that the way Exalt Bowenya e said ”It was my pity for the Sithe descendants that led ”

”M both had extremely serious looks on their faces