Volume 42 Chapter 1-2 (1/2)

Book 42, The Five Truncheon Chapters, Chapter 1 - Hawkfang

”Exalt, who in the world is this white-robed Daolord? Whyhiemons below the Exalt, a Sithe descendant, couldn't help but ask this question To this very day, the Sithe descendants had no idea what 'a Daolord who has a Dao' truly represented for the Sithe In truth, the Sithe didn't dare to tell their descendants too much either!

In the end, their descendants were native to this Chaosverse and had grown up here Strictly speaking, it was destined for theether, and so they were purposefully kept in the dark regarding s As a result, they now felt that this was co their lives over!

”Right, Exalt! We had thought that killing hiatory was defeated even after we gave it a pair of Apocalypse-class treasures This Daolord is too powerful! Aside from the three Elder Halls, we don't have any treasures that are superior to the ones we already sent down, but the three Elder Halls are immobile If ant to proactively attack hie Many of us will probably die”

”We can siatory and wait for his truesoul to collapse He'll still die, right? Why is it necessary for us to pay such an enormous price?”

”Why do we have to fight with him to the death?”

”Is such an enormous price truly worth it?” The Sithe descendants voiced their arguments, one by one The true Sithe were silent They knew the details behind this, but they didn't dare to expose theo to restrict the amount of contact between them and their descendants, for fear of their descendants learning the 'truth' and losing faith

”Worth it?” The blue-haired youth, 'Exalt Bowenya', let out a soft sigh from atop his throne ”Yes… I, too, feel that it isn't worth it” Exalt Bowenya stared doards ”But I've already told you everything I can The things I have left unsaid, I have done so because I am not per Sithe laws and my truesoul would be annihilated”

”All you need to know is this! Our di more than a s more than a ser, causing an ie to appear in rave importance to the entire Sithe civilization We have to destroy him and then capture his truesoul This will be an enor our entire hidden direater, it would still be worth it”

Everyone below fell silent The Sithe descendants also knew that they were nothing more than a small part of the massive Sithe empire as a whole

”If we go against our orders, our entire di lacially cold, and the Hegemons below him all felt an invisible sense of oppression If they tried to find a way out, the only result would be death

”There's no way out We have to kill him If we kill him, we'll all be rewarded heavily If we do not… ill all die! If youcome to our home,” Exalt Bowenya said ”Now… obey my orders”

None of the Hegemons voiced any further complaints The true Sithe knew that there was no way to avoid this, while the Sithe progeny all knew that shi+rking back meant death

”Jonnbech,” Exalt Bowenya called out An extremely muscular four-armed man with curly hair as threeof Hegemons He stepped forward and said respectfully, ”Exalt”

”Jonnbech, it is now ti we have into this battle against that Daolord You have past experience with controlling an Elder Hall, and so from this day forth you shall be the controller of the 'Iceland' Elder Hall”

”Understood” Jonnbech was a true Sithe and was second only to the Exalt in power He had a perfect Dao-heart and was highly venerated ast the Sithe

”Hawkfang” Exalt Bowenya's gaze turned towards another an to stir Soan to frohile others rerew excited Hawkfang was a leader ast the Sithe descendants and extremely powerful

”Exalt” Hawkfang bowed respectfully His face was cal black robes His eyes seemed to contain an endless universe of space and time within them

Exalt Bowenya couldn't help but secretly sigh to hi was a descendant he held in high regard, and was the son of a friend The eood chance of beco an Autarch in the future! Even the suprereat deal of attention to Hawkfang

Alas, during the Dawn War, Hawkfang's father (another Exalt) died in battle Ever since then, Hawkfang seehts and worries, resulting in hiress any further in his path of cultivation The entire Sithe race sighed at the loss

It must be remembered that if Sithe descendants became what the locals called 'Autarchs', then as natives to this Chaosverse they would gain full control over the power of the local Dao An extra 'Autarch' on the side of the Sithe would be of enormous assistance to them

As the supre sih The only place he has ever lived is that single small dimension The death of his father caused his heart to be filled with turer has any chance of reaching Autarchy! If he had been able to spendthe universe, his father's death wouldn't have dealt such a deadly bow to his psyche Now that a shadow has been cast over his heart, it will be very difficult for him to perfect his Dao-heart!”

He had been such a proure, but noas destined to beremained the most talented emony in a total of six Daos!

”Starting nokfang, you shall be in control of the same Elder Hall your father controlled - the 'Flalorious death in battle for the sake of the Sithe I hope you will prove to be as fearless as your father was and destroy this Daolord for the Sithe”

”Understood” Hawkfang remained completely expressionless as he bowed respectfully

”Jonnbech, Hawkfang, the two of you should io to your respective Elder Halls and take control over they for dealing with this Daolord,” Exalt Bowenya instructed ”As for the other Hegemons, await your deployment orders”

”Understood” The throng of Hegeed the order

The three Elder Halls were all glohite light One of thehtly dimmer They had lain untouched foron auto-mode

Whoosh The black-robed Hawkfang suddenly flew through the air, , twelve-storied tohich e aura When he arrived before it, he raised his head and stared upwards, a lost look in his eyes

”Father,” Hawkfang ing hiuard Tower, and they had played together here Life back then had been truly carefree, and he had been so incredibly talented that he had succeeded in everything he tried His father had arranged him to experience a few setbacks to temper him, but they barely slowed hie with incredible speed, then coemony

”It's been so long, but I've co reached out to touch the tower He could still remember that battle clearly

During the Dawn War, his avatar had accon Towards the end of the war, they had fallen into dire straits His father had personally destroyed his avatar, not wishi+ng for his avatar to fall into the hands of their cultivator eneed to capture his avatar, they were co karma to slay his true body as well! In contrast, when his father killed his avatar it would have no iemons, as they could simply remake them after they were destroyed

In the end, his father had died during that battle He had died at the hands of a cultivator known as 'Autarch Bolin'

”The cultivators…” Hawkfang mused to hi shook his head ”Let us fight, then If you can't even stop someone like me, then you deserve to die Even if I really a so a deal” He stepped into the tower

”Young olereat tower, and it bowed respectfully: ”I've already received orders to hand the entire Daoguard Tower over to you”

”M nodded He ian to make plans to deal with the white-robed Daolord based on the various tricks and traps the hall contained”

Book 42, The Five Truncheon Chapters, Chapter 2 - Illusion Sword Dao

Hawkfang and Jonnbech quickly familiarized the so, they went to ain The three an to discuss their battle plans

”Exalt, these are all the tools which my 'Iceland' Elder Hall possesses” Jonnbech waved his hand, causing a scroll to appear This scroll was covered with dense scribbling which recorded the various offensive techniques the Iceland Hall possessed

”These are all the attacks which the 'Fla also produced a scroll which was covered with a complete record of what his hall could do