Vol 27 Chapter 6 (1/2)

Book 27, Twelve Palaces, Chapter 6 – Broken Sword?

Ji Ning hovered there in e He then immediately fleards and landed in front of an icy building that was erected within the gorge This was the true Are

There were two gole

“Darknorth greets you,” Ning said courteously



The two golems introduced themselves They both had stately, solemn auras of tremendous power

Ning walked past the gates, and the two goleh there were many weapons and treasures stored here, not even Eternal Eh to seize the the most important parts of the Twelve Palaces had been personally established long ago by the aleniuses in the Twelve Palaces had repeatedly strengthened them and reinforced them By now, there were few to none in all the Endless Territories capable of breaking inside

“What a treasure trove” As soon as Ning entered, he saw the divine swords that had been firhtly next to each other, and they all e sword-intent Even the weakest sas at least an Eternal weapon

There was a stone stele next to every single sword, and each stone stele had a simple line of characters on them: “Thirty thousand cubes” “Ninety thousand cubes” “Fifty thousand cubes” These were the prices of the swords, and the prices were actually quite low Still, it hadn’t been easy for the Sword Palaces to collect these wondrous weapons, and there was no way Ning and the others could si at all

“What is…”

Ning’s gaze suddenly turned towards the distance, where he sensed an incredibly terrifying sword-intent radiating froh there were thousands of other swords there, Ning could sense that none of thehtest It was a broken sword that was e that aura, and it was placed atop a table

This was the only sword in the entire Are which was placed on a table

“A broken sword?” Puzzled, Ning walked towards it to give it a careful look

“Eh? It was broken in such a clean, natural way It seeed this way andquickly was able to tell that this sasn’t actually ‘broken’; it was created this way


Sword-intent billowed out fro the aves of the ocean, about to be capsized at any moment The inco sword-intent Ning had ever sensed The [Nameless] sword-art, Violetjewel, the Forest of Sword PaGodas… none of these things had ever given Ning such a sensation before

It was vast, it e-inspiring, and it was unfatho feel like he was back on Earth, staring into the endless sea of stars

“Eh?” When Ning reached within thirty e of invisible force suddenly stopped hi tried, he was unable to take so le extra step

“I actually can’t go any closer to it?” By now, Ning realized that there were no other swords within thirtyon it?”

The other swords all had clearly labeled prices on the stone steles Only this broken sas different There was nothing within thirty meters of it, not even a stone stele

Ning gave it a long, deep look, fir it into his memory

Roughly a third of the Are was set aside for swords The rest was used to hold many other types of treasures and unique artifacts, and they too had prices listed next to them

“Fifty thousand cubes” “Two million cubes” “Ten million cubes” “A hundred and ten thousand cubes”

The treasures and artifacts all had different prices

Ning wanted to acquire Dao lightning Things like Waters represented the Five Elehly two hundred thousand cubes Other types of Dao lightning, however, were ’ cost 19 million cubes, and it was theneeded

Ning was able to acquire all nine types of Dao lightning here in the Are, but the price was quite steep

The Ar that was naturally for’ and cost tento swear a lifeblood oath! The Allheaven Lightning could only be harvested by the alhtshore Kingdom

If any of the other supre, they would have to pay an utterly shocking fee to the Brightshore Kingdodom would such a ‘low’ price of ten million cubes be accepted

“Daolord AllGod hihtning, at which point he created his [Novessence Thunder]” Ning couldn’t help but sigh “But the Brightshore Kingdom actually has ten types…”