Vol 27 Chapter 4 (1/2)

Book 26, Twelve Palaces, Chapter 4 – Palace Lord Woodflower

Ji Ning stared off into the distance, where he could vaguely see quite a few figures seated in the lotus position within those ancient, enormous Sword PaGodas

“All members of the Sword Palace are permitted to come here and meditate,” Daolord Fudan said “Even we black-armored Daolords are permitted”

“I’ walked forwards

The Sword PaGodas were tall and erect, with each eh ! As Ning walked through the ancient Forest of Sword PaGodas, he felt as though he alking through a sea of tihty sword-arts and sword-intents which the ancient powers had left behind, he couldn’t help but feel utterly stunned

These were his predecessors, ancient masters of the Dao of the Sword

The Sword PaGodas had more than just sword-arts Many also had a few tiny words carved into them

Ning’s gaze turned towards one particular Sword PaGoda The sword-arts inscribed within this Sword PaGoda were quite sied to the saeneral style of swordsmanshi+p, and they were similarly exalted and profound As for the sword-intent, it e-inspiringly profound and sees

Daolord Everstarter After joining our Sword Palace, he received the acknowledgment of the Sword PaGodas while still at the World level and became one of our Swordlords He had a modest disposition and liked to teach his juniors and those weaker than him He treated the Sword Palace as his ho Silently and without any fanfare, he reached the Fourth Step as a Daolord However, because the Ancient cultivators went too far in their actions, Daolord Everstarter ventured forth all by hi sword-arts, defeating three other Verge-level Daolords ere Ancient cultivators In fact, he even defeated an Ancient cultivator as an Eternal Emperor”

“This battle brought hied as the number one Daolord of the Endless Territories in his tian to travel to many different places Ever since then, we have received no word of him We do not know if he is alive or dead

Ning was speechless

This Daolord defeated an Eternal Emperor as an Ancient cultivator?

Ning knew very little about the Ancient cultivators All he kneas that they were incredibly, terrifyingly powerful Only the most supreme of special lifeforms were comparable to Ancient cultivators Eternal Emperors ere Ancient cultivators were definitely far more powerful than ordinary Eternal Emperors A Daolord had actually defeated one of them? No wonder he was publicly acclaimed as the number one Daolord in his time

This feat was farand pursuing Emperor Melobo

“No one knows if Daolord Everstarter is still alive or not” Suddenly, a voice rang out

Ning was startled So?

He hurriedly turned and looked backwards, only to see that a golden-ar man had appeared behind him

“Greetings, senior apprentice-brother” Upon seeing the suit of golden ar immediately addressed the man with respect

There were no ‘masters’ or ‘apprentices’ here in the Sword Palace, only brothers and sisters

At this reat respect, “Greetings, Lord Woodflower”

“Lord?” Ning was stunned

“Junior apprentice-brother Darknorth, Daolord Woodflower is a Vice Palace Lord of our Sword Palace” Daolord Fudan sent a hurried

Although Ning didn’t know the naeneral rules of the Twelve Palaces The strongest iven the title of Palace Lord Vice Palace Lords were the next most powerful! But of course, there were exceptions such as the Palace of Radiance, which had terful Daolords ere roughly on par with each other, which hy both were referred to as Palace Lord Thus, the Radiant Palace had two Palace Lords

Generally speaking, Palace Lords and Vice Palace Lords had the power to battle against Eternal Emperors This was especially true in a place like the Sword Palace, which focused on combat

“Greetings, Palace Lord,” Ning said hurriedly

“Simply address me as senior apprentice-brother Woodflower” The decadent-looking man chuckled “I watched the battle between you and Bertulu You aren’t bad at all Actually, your sword-arts are quite similar to those of Daolord Everstarter If he is still alive, he should be an Eternal E he was as a Daolord, as an Eternal Eht be willing to give you some personal pointers”

Ning nodded

A Daolord as able to defeat an Eternal Eed as the undisputed number one Daolord of the Endless Territories of his ti him would be almost impossible

“Senior apprentice-brother Woodflower,” Ning said hurriedly, “Can it be that he doesn’t have an avatar here? Why is it that we don’t know if he is alive or not?”

When Ning had entered Undermoon Lake, he had been quite weak, but his clones in the outside world could sense if he was alive or dead Once his clones in Undermoon Lake perished, he would be able to recreate the clones in the outside world This was an easy way to judge if he was dead or not

Daolords, however, would generally leave avatars in their hoions If not, they would leave behind other special techniques or spells Generally speaking, it wasn’t too hard to knoas happening or if they were still alive

“The priemon, who is older than the Twelve Palaces, wouldn’t dare clai which happens within it,” Lord Woodflower explained “In the endless primordial chaos, there are indeed so completely cut off from the outside world once you enter There would be no hatsoever to ascertain if you were alive or not”

“Given that we have heard no word from him in countless years, it is very likely that he is dead However, there’s no way to verify it, and so we generally will list these elders as ‘status unknown’ rather than ‘deceased’ on their Sword PaGodas,” Lord Woodflower explained

Ning nodded

After chatting a bit about Daolord Everstarter, Lord Woodflower said, “Darknorth, as a new le divine ability, secret art, or legacy from the Pavilion of Mysteries But of course, so juniors who passed the trials they set down to , the acy, the more common this practice is”