Vol 20 Chapter 6 (1/2)

Book 20, Jindan Upgrade, Chapter 6 – The World of Undermoon Lake

Prisonworld 17

Whoosh!+ Whoosh!+ Whoosh!+ A series of white-robed figures flew through the region of pri the vast prisonworld A total of sixteen white-robed figures levitated in ’s clones had entered the prisonworld now

“Before I go to Undermoon Lake, I need to complete certain careful preparations” Fifteen of the sixteen white-robed youths instantly vanished, leaving behind only the one with the Ninehorn Lightning Serpent

Whoosh An enorh the skies, rapidly flying off into the distance

Although Ning had acquired quite a few treasures thanks to his ainst the Sea to the things he had gained from this prisonworld Even the prisonworld’s Empyrean Gods and Celestial Immortals had carried extremely rare and valuable treasures with hirounds As for the True Gods and True Immortals, they were equivalent to the Daofathers of the Three Real

“Undermoon Lake is tooe from it It’s very possible that this clone of ood treasures withmused to himself

Thus far, Ning had already disposed of Empress Jin, True God Skysplitter, and three other True Gods and True Iures that were cole one of the’s Voidboat and Darknorth swords Although , there were some that were

True God Skysplitter, for example After he self-detonated and died, he had left behind a total of nine divine swords Each of them were Protocosmic spirit-treasures, and they forh to laze-eyed with lust

There was no way Ning would be willing to take them into Undermoon Lake Even in the prisonworld, only a few True Gods and True Immortals specialized in the sword It was entirely possible that after sweeping through the entire prisonworld, he still wouldn’t be able to find a better set of swords

“My true body has eighteen clones I’ll send two of theivemade up his mind

The two clone he had sent naturally didn’t include the clone that possessed the Ninehorn Lightning Serpent

Of the eighteen clones, just a single one was in possession of a Ninehorn Lightning Serpent These serpents were far too hard to co it within Underret

“I’ll take these treasures withhis treasures

First, he chose a set of 729 top-grade Pure Yang flying swords which he would use for the [Greater Thousand Swords] formation He had acquired 720 of these swords from the first Celestial Iqiu There weren’t many Empyrean Gods or True Immortals in the Three Realms who could afford to be spend so much on swords This set would allow him to launch distant attacks

Next, he chose a set of twelve swords that ell-suited for close co swords

After that, he selected a Protocos, the ‘Ruyi Soulsnake Shuttle’ 1 Ning actually had several Protocos acquired three from the True Gods and True Immortals of the prisonworld and a few from the Seamless Gate

Naturally, h,e also brought along some Ninefire Lava and other necessary treasures such as spirit pills No one kne long he would be trapped there, after all

Ning brought along fifty thousand kilograms of Ninefire Lava Supposedly, Undermoon Lake had Iceheart Pith inside; he would absolutely be able to refine and upgrade his golden pellet Jindan with Undermoon Lake

After co boarded his Ruyi Soulsnake Shuttle and began to travel towards Undermoon Lake

The Three Reale in front of the Five Treasured Peaks

The black-robed Ning was seated in the lotus position within the cottage Since his true bodies were going to hide for now, it was ti to take the lead It was now the Pri Manor with it Given how strong the Priether into the Rahu Formation as it pleased

An enorentle aura of light that shone down upon the chaos around it

This star was very similar to the Lunar Star Because the Lunar Star was located in the Void outside the Three Real it to shi+ne down upon the entire Three Real was very similar to the Lunar Star, it wasn’t particularly famous The countless ordinary denizens of the Three Realms, at least, had no idea of its existence

“Undermoon Lake!”

Seated within his Ruyi Soulsnake Shuttle, the white-robed youth stared off into the distance

An utterly titanic lake of water hung there in the ’s heartforce couldn’t cover it all The surface of this endless lake of water was extre it as flat and se of the enormous nearby star, which appeared within it like the reflection of the