175 175 "After all, the reunion is sudden" (1/2)
Luna. I want to work here.
The next morning, he tells Luna, who has come to check on the room, ”You want to work, that's fine, but why?
”You want to work, that's fine, but why?
No, I just saw the advanced civilization of the Ishtar and I wanted to live here, and I wanted to contribute in some way.
At first, Luna smiles happily when I tell her the reason.
I'm sure you're right. If that's the case, feel free to live in this country! This room is also unoccupied now, and if you're okay with it, you can sleep here for the time being.
”Oh, yeah. . everything is bad.
”I don't mind. If you want to live in this country, you're more than welcome to join me.
Then Luna thumps her chest.
You can find a lot of people who have been working in the industry for a long time.
So, is there anything you want to do in the workforce?
”Yeah. That's the thing, but I actually have something you should see.
◇ ◇ ◇
”So, you came to the garden with a demon seed, what are you doing here?
Well, you'll see.
I have since asked Luna to bring me seeds from this desert monster and move them to a reasonable garden.
It's not too hard.
In the past, I would have had a hard time growing demons in such an unfamiliar environment, but I already have experience growing demons in the desert.
Moreover, it's easy to grow demons in this area.
I spread the seeds in my hand on the ground to loosen them up and pour the water that I received from Luna.
And wait a few minutes.
It reacts immediately.
One by one, the demon seedlings sprouted from the ground.
They're still about the size of a fingertip, but they're growing gradually, and at a speed that will probably be mature tomorrow.
Hmmm. My demon cultivation skills have grown up a lot.
Luna is very surprised to see such a scene in front of her and starts to jump out of her seat.
”That was great! What is this? Kyou, you can grow a monster by any chance!
”Yeah, well,
”Awesome! Neither I nor my father could grow and create such a direct demon, but you can do it!
Surprised, but with a smile on her face, Luna jumped up and down holding my hand.
Apparently, she was really surprised.
That was amazing! We've been researching to see if we can grow some demons, and we've made some experiment sites for that purpose, but none of them are growing well: ....... There's nothing that can't grow, but most of them don't bear fruit. But you can do it, right? That's great! The evolution of the world is going to be so much faster!
I'm not so sure,” he said, ”but I'm humbled by the sight of a golem walking among the people around me, and I muttered to myself: 'Hey, you know, I don't think it's possible to cultivate a demon, but then what's that golem over there?
I've been told that it's impossible to grow demons, but then what is that golem over there?
”Oh, that? That's the golem my father made. My father can make a golem artificially.
Heh, I see. Golem.
It's true that if the golem is a type of monster, then Luna's dad is amazing that he can create it, even if it's limited.
But it seems that my demon cultivation skills are even more impressive to Luna, ”You can grow other demons too? He asked me a lot of questions.