105 105 "A Certain Magical Index (2)" (1/2)

When you are guided into the castle by the emperor's brave men and women, the great hall you saw before has been transformed into a ballroom.

Men and women dressed in various party dresses come and go, and lavish dishes are prepared on tables arranged in various places.

Among them, you can see the dishes I presented at the big cooking competition in the past.

You two will be the guests of honor this time. If it's all right with you, we'd like you to enjoy it.

It's a good idea to have a good time with your friends and family.

By the way, Mina is sitting with a nervous look on her face and her back straightened.

You can also have a look at the following information Why was Mina invited to Rostam's party again?

”Oh, yeah, um, that's it! Rostam invited me to join him for an invitation to apologize for the last time: ......!

An apology for the last time, the word ”apology” immediately jumped out at me.

Since then, Mina has regained her memory, she remembered what she did and apologized many times for what she did.

I told her that she didn't need to apologize so much because she was the victim, but she still seemed to be feeling sorry for the matter.

This is probably the reason why we haven't been able to have a good conversation lately, so this might be a good opportunity for us to have a conversation.

With that in mind, as soon as I got up from my seat, a pleasant melody came from the hall.

I thought it was just right, so I held out my hand to Mina.

”Mina, would you like to dance with me?

”To ......? Heh! Eh, eh?

You're surprised by the sudden invitation, and you start panicking, your face turning bright red.

But eventually, with steam coming out of his head, he takes my hand and whispers in a whisper.

I'm ......, thank you very much ...... please, I'm ......

Thank you. I've never danced before, so I'm sure I'm not very good at it, but it's nice to meet you.

”Oh, no! I've never even danced before, so it's okay!

For some reason, they said something to each other that they had never danced before, and they couldn't help but smile at each other.

Then, taking Mina's hand, I head toward the hall, and although I move with a dance-like atmosphere, I still feel awkward because I do not know how to dance.

Next to me, Rostam takes his place behind me with light steps.

”There's no need to rush, Mr. Kyou. There's no hurry, Keogh. At first you simply hold his hands and hips and try to move back and forth from side to side. After a while, you can just dance to the tune. In fact, most of the people here also dance to that sort of thing.

I'm going to follow the advice of his ...... girlfriend now, and I'm going to dance in the hall, holding Mina's hand, with my arms around her waist and arms around her, like I'm holding her.

It's a good idea to dance to the song.

Maybe it's more accurate to say that you can move freely to the music rather than dancing.

Fortunately, thanks to Rostam's instructions, the song that is playing is also very slow and easy to dance to.

I have never imagined dancing at a party like this before, but it's fun to try it.

I'd like to try it again.

As for Mina, when I put my arms around her waist and held her close to me, her face turned red and her eyes were rolling around and around.

I'm not sure if it's okay.

I'm sure he looks very happy, so I'm sure he'll be fine.

Then you realize that the song is over, and as soon as our dance is over, people around you are clapping along with it.

It seems that you have become the center of the dance, and once again, you are filled with embarrassment as you realize that you have become the center of the dance.

It was a great dance, both of you. Now, I would like you two to dance to a romantic song theme: ...... gehen!

Just as Rostam was about to say something, a woman appeared behind her and kicked him with all her might, stepping on his fallen back with all her might.

I'm not going to be able to get my hands on it. You don't know how to have fun at a party, dancing with just one person. In this case, next time you dance with another woman. So next time you will dance with me!

It's not just a matter of time before you'll be able to get your hands on a new one.

It's not the usual stuffy war attire, but a blue dress that looks like a beautiful woman, and her appearance is exactly reminiscent of Valkyria, a dancing angel of war.

I had forgotten about her because of her usual behavior, but I realized that she is also quite beautiful.

The overall proportions of her are probably one of the top three that I know of.

By the way, the other two are Kasarina and a female version of Rostam.

As I was making my own assessment of the situation in my mind, I saw a small shadow creeping around behind Amarnes.