905 Nothing more to do (1/1)

When I wake up, I looked around my room, and when I slowly walked out of the bed, I go directly to the bathroom. When I was there, I had done all that I wanted, and after a shower, I walked out, and when I had done this I walked slowly, to the kitchen, and while being there I make simple sandwiches, and when I had them I walked to my room, and when I looked at my PC, I started it and then I started eating. While this has only started, I looked at the news, and while I was eating, I walked to the kitchen, and when I come back with mustard, I added them to my sandwiches. When I had done this, I continue eating, and while seeing which hour is smile show up on my face where I have still some time before going out.

When I was eating I had done and while nothing interesting for me was in news, and when I looked at my PC, I played music from it, and when this has happened I walked to change I was cold around my member.

When I had done this, I smiled while finally was warm, and when I walked slowly, to take coke and when I opened it while coming back while drinking I had done this, and while music was playing, I listen to it as new songs come from one of my favorite bands.

While I was listening to them, I had done them, and when I looked which hour is I walked slowly, back to use the bathroom for the last time, and when this has happened, I walked out. While being there, I started smoking, and when I come to the bus station, I waited for the bus, and then I drove to uncle Tom's company building.

While being there, I go inside, and while I passed all controls, I go directly to my uncle's office as today I have a meeting with him about more things to promote or checking. While I was on the top floor, I could see that he is waiting for me and when I come there, our meeting has started.

When it was ongoing for some time, and we had done it, he said, ”I will send it in next week.”

”Ok,” I said to him, and when he nodded, I walked out while leaving him with his work. When I had done this, I walked slowly out, and while seeing on my phone that this meeting was almost an hour-long, I shake my head, and when I smoked, I walked to the bus stop. While being there I looked at what I can do, and while I was doing it I couldn't see anything which could interest me, and while seeing the bus coming, I go in it and then I drove to my area while having plans to buy some meat as I had in plans to make one food for tomorrow. While having it in my mind, I drove to the mall which was closest to my place, and while being there, I walked to buy meat which I know is today for sale and while having it, I bought pickles, and while having all of this, I paid and then I walked out.

While being there, I started it, and when I was streaming for some time, I take a break, and when I take the bowl with gyros, which I had made yesterday, I started eating it while playing slowly. While it was happening for some time, I needed to take a few breaks as it was too cold for me. While I was streaming, I had done eating, when cut scenes show ups, and as I continued playing as, I had plans to do it until twenty will hit on the clock. While seeing it has come, I had done my stream, and when this has happened, I turned all, and when I finally take the bowl with me to the kitchen, I let it be underwater as it was too dirty and I don't want to put it yet to the dishwasher. When I had done this, I walked to the bathroom as I don't remember when the last time; I was there. When I had done there all, I walked to the kitchen, and as I cut the meat, and then I started smashing it. When this all has happened, I out to the fridge, and when this has happened, I walked to the bathroom.

While being there, I washed my hands, and as I had come out, I could see bold and shaggy, inside and while seeing me bold said, ”so you done all.”

”Yes, we can play,” I said to him, and when he nodded while hearing me, bold asked, ”so tomorrow you will spend time here?”

”Yes, like always, I have nothing more to do in my life,” I said, and when he nodded, we walked to the living room, and while seeing our unfinished game from yesterday, I said, ”sweety where he is.”

”Here,” he said while coming inside, and while I looked at him, I said, ”so you bought something.”

”Yes, fresh just made,” he said, and when he gave each of us a kebab, I take mine, and while I started eating it, far away from the table, we played our game after eating and cleaning our hands. When this was happening, we had a lot of cooperation there, and while this was happening, I was happy that somehow I managed to buy it as it was rare as fuck. When we played, we had finally done, and while this has happened, bold said, ”beer is needed.”

”I told you the price of it,” I said to him.

”Yes, and that's why we have nothing close to it,” shaggy said and when I nodded as we eat or drink far away from the table where it was. When this was happening, sweety run away first as he missed his kids, and while we cleaned all, I walked with them out to smoke, and goodbye, they walked out, as I stayed and smoked outside. When this all was happening, I had come back inside, and while being there, I started once again PC and when it was going to smile shows up on my face as I could see anime, which I was hype so much new episode has come and then I started watching it. When I was doing it, I had done it by watching the opening and ending, and when this has happened, I watched the rest of what interested me and show up today.

When this has happened and midnight has slowly come, I walked for the last time to smoke, and when I come back, I read a little manga, and then I fell asleep while doing knowing, that today after sleeping, I will see my daughters for the first time in my life.