804 Lets leave the car here (1/2)
When I yawned loud, I looked at myself and when I go out of the shower I looked at my face and then I shaved it. When I have done this, I looked more like a normal person. When I have done this, I walked back to the bedroom and while being there I take underwear and a t-shirt and while having it I walked out to not let Sophia wake up as I can always take a nap. When I was outside, I changed and while being fully dressed I take a little ham and when I eat it I walked to smoke.
When I was outside, I looked all around and while seeing that nothing is happening all around I started smoking peacefully. While I was doing it, I could see that someone come back probably from the night shift and while I observed a car, I could see that one again someone who can't park normally while having three places free and he or she, I don't know as it is still dark take two. While seeing it I shake my head and when I have done this, I come back to smoking and when I have done this; I looked around and as nothing new is happening there; I come back inside. While being there I looked at the fridge to think about what I can make for breakfast. While I was doing it, I couldn't choose what for now to do sandwiches or scrapped eggs. While thoughts about it go all around my mind, I decided to marinate the meat before making it.
When I said it, I could hear Sophia's voice ”about what”.
”eggs babe go take a shower and when you did food should be ready,” I said to her and when I moved closer to her I kiss her and when I have done this she smiled at me, and then she walked to take it. While seeing it I take ten eggs and when I destroy them and had everything in the bowl, I mixed them. When I have done this, I looked at them and after adding some salt and pepper and paprika I looked at the pan, and then I started a fire under it.
When I have done this, I added bacon on it and while I looked at it frying slowly I added after a few seconds' onions as it's fresh or it should be and when I have done this I started frying it. When I was doing it I have done this not long after and when I could see that it's ready I added eggs inside. When I have done this, I started mixing it. When I was doing it, I could see that everything is ready and while seeing it I added chive on top. When I have done this, I mixed a few more times, and then I turned the fire under it off.
When I have done this, I take plates, and then I started adding food to them. When I have done this, I looked at Sophia who comes out from the shower and while I looked at her, I said: ”perfect time food is ready”.
”Good,” she said to me and when she takes one plate, she walked to the table. While seeing it I put mine on the table and when I have done this, I walked to the kitchen one again and when I take forks for us and bread, I come back to her. While being there I give her it and while she looked at me she started eating. While seeing it I started doing the same. While we were doing it I looked at her and then I said: ”so now soon to work”.
”Yes,” she said while looking at me. When I looked at her, I smiled and I said: ”for lunch coming to you”.
”No meg own me one,” she said.
”Oh, why,” I asked.
”She lost her earring and as I found it she owns me one,” she said while smiling.
”Ok so I will be here,” I said.