721 Next round? (1/2)


As I was lying Greg come inside and when I looked at him he lay close to me and then he started some anime 'again' I said to myself while watching it. As I was watching it I started becoming bored as the story of it was so boring that I almost fall asleep. When I couldn't take it anymore I said ”babe”.

”Yes,” he said.

”Let's take a break,” I said.

”Ok so what do you want me to do,” he asked while looking at my eyes.

”oh I don't know,” I said and when I give him a kiss, I said ”can I play on your account” and then I add in mind 'I need to find some excuse to do before I fall asleep and still I'm not ready to do it'.

”Of course,” he said and when I started getting up he said, ”where you have your laptop”.

”Oh, I will look for it,” I said while walking to take it as I still have papers inside of it and I don't want him to see them. When I grabbed the laptop, I take a look at them and as I still haven't hidden them I needed to do it but I still haven't done it. When I had it in my hand I walked back to his room and when I give it to him I sit in his place and after a short wait, we started playing. As we were doing it for some time games go smoothly and his fans wanted him to stream which I don't want and when I have enough for now and I felt that all is well after this big dinner and we can do it I get up and when I felt that before it I need some massage from it I started walking to him while in middle I take the laptop from the bed as I don't know what we will do and I don't want it to be destroyed.

When I come to him I go on top of him, and then I started kissing him. While I was doing it he looked at me and while we were doing it for some time I stopped at one point and then I said ”babe”.

”Yes,” he said.

”I want one thing now,” I said.

”Which is,” he asked.

”Massage,” I said.

”Ok,” he said and when we rolled and he was on top of me he takes my top, and when I looked at him he said ”roll on your tummy”.

”Ok,” I said and when I did it he started massaging my shoulders. When he was doing it for some time which was so good that I don't want him to stop but after some time he probably doesn't want to do it and then he moved his finger around my back. While feeling it I shake and then I said ”I want you to massage my top”.

”Ok,” he said and when he goes out from me I looked at him, and then I said, ”come back to a position in what you were”.

”Ok,” he said, and when he comes back on me and he was around my hips, I looked at him, and then he started massaging my shoulders. When he was doing it I looked at him and while I was doing it I moved my hand and when I opened his zipper, I looked at him while smiling and when he hasn't stopped what he was doing I take Allan out. When I did it he stopped at one point and when he was in this position, I started moving him and then I said: ”continue”.

”Ok,” he said and when he was doing it Allan started waking up and while seeing it I said, ”move closer to me”.