719 They know you (1/2)
When I was working for some time I haven't paid attention to what is happening around me and I take only breaks to use the bathroom as I drank a lot of tea. When I was doing it I needed one longer break to use the bathroom and after it, I continue working. As I was doing it someone come inside of my office and when I haven't looked at who it is Mei said aloud ”I need your help”.
”What is happening,” I said to her while stopping working and saving my files.
”do you have still this dress,” she said, and then she shows me one dress I have but like most of mine I haven't worn but I take it to my new place as I wanted to have it with me as its nice black dress to some occasions. While I looked at it I said ”yes”.
”Can I borrow it?” she asked.
”Oh, your chest is too small to show up this dress good,” I said.
”Oh, shut up I will help myself with it,” Mei said while looking at me.
”Yes, I can but you need to come with me,” I said.
”Ok,” she said.
”But first I need to work so come here in around an hour,” I said.
”It's almost sixteen so end for today,” she said. While hearing her I looked at the clock and when I saw it I said: ”oh fuck Greg will kill me”.
”Maybe,” Mei said while looking at me, and then I started saving everything. When I was doing it Mei called to someone and after she was done talking, she said: ”taxi will be here soon I haven't seen your car outside”.
”So how do you know I'm here,” I asked while closing my computer.
”I called your dad,” she said.
”Ok,” I said and when I have done this, I could hear that my phone is ringing and when I looked at it I could see that it's Greg and when I answered I said: ”I just ended work and I'm hungry”.
”Ok, I will heat up food for you,” he said.
”Ok and I are coming back with Mei as she wants to borrow from me one dress,” I said.
”Ok,” he said and when he hangs out, I looked at Mei and when I take my bag we walked out. When we were there, we walked to the taxi which waited for us and when we were inside, I said address and then we started our journey. When we were there Mei looked at some photos of what she can wear to this dress. When she was doing it I looked at her and then I said: ”I will call mom to borrow something for what she has”.
”Thank you, my savior,” Mei said.
”What happened,” I asked her while she never said this to me.
”Jim grandparents are coming,” Mei said.
”Oh well, good luck have fun,” I said and then I texted to mom if she will be at home as Mei want to borrow some jewelry. When I did it I looked at Mei who was still looking at her phone and when she was doing it she looked at almost everything. When she was doing it I said: ”but we have with Meg girl's day”.
”Oh, it's for Saturday but I want to have it already,” Mei said.
”Ok,” I said to her and when we drive like that we come to my place after some time and after Mei paid, we walked inside. When we were there, we come home and then I said: ”I'm hungry”.
”Food is ready,” Greg said and then he started serving us food. When he was doing it we sit and when I looked at Mei, she looked at soup and when he faces changed and she probably thinks about what is there, I said: ”trust me it's good”.
”Ok,” Mei said and when she started eating it I started TV to something play in the background, and then I started eating the same, Greg. When we were doing it we have done not long after as it wasn't enough and then I said, ”Oh what is there”.