657 Wait untill we come back (1/2)
When we did smoking and we started coming inside, I said to Jim ”I will go to the toilet”.
”Ok,” he said and when I walked there, I have done what I needed, and when I walked out, I come back to the place where Martha have her party. While I was there, I could see that around Meg is a lot of girls who take photos with her. While seeing it I come closer to Sophia and while I was sitting I said, ”Life is hard while you are popular”.
”Yes,” they said to me, and Sophia give me a kiss on my cheek, and then she said, ”So what now are you planning”.
”Eat,” I said.
”But you told me to not do it,” she said.
”But then we were alone but now Martha is there,” I said while pointing mine finger ”while she receives gifts so we can eat,”.
”Ok,” Sophia said and while I started adding salad on my plate Sophia said, ”What are you doing”.
”Oh eating,” I said and after a first bite, I added, ”you want”.
”Yes,” she said to me, and when I give her it. After eating it she said ”not bad”.
”Oh, I know and that's why I like it and more importantly you have chicken there,” I said.
”I know,” she said while I continue eating soup come. While I was doing it, the waitress comes to us and then I asked: ”what is there”.
”Oh” chicken soup and onion,” the waitress said.
”So chicken for me,” I said.
”For me what he takes,” Sophia said and while we have a bowl, I put it on the side and I continue eating salad. While I was doing it Sophia said, ”Eat something hot”.
”I want to end it,” I said to her, and then she started eating soup. While she was doing it I did with salad and after adding salt and paper to soup started eating it.
While I was doing it I did no longer after starting and when I did this Sophia said, ”so what now”.
”Oh drinking and I don't know what you want,” I asked.
”Dance,” she asked.
”We can,” I said and when I drank the juice, we walked on the parquet. While we were there slow music started playing. While hearing it we started dancing to it while hugging. While we were doing it I give Sophia a kiss and when I did this, she said: ”I love you”.
”I love you too,” I said and while we were dancing like that for some time we did not long after, and while we did it for some time we have done and when we come back, Sophia said, ”she said something”.
”Not so much but we soon will have some surprise,” Meg said.
”Ok,” Sophia said. When she did this, I looked at her and while I was doing it I said: ”you know what she is planning”.
”I have no idea,” Sophia said and while I looked at her, I drank a little of the juice. When I did this she said, ”oh I want to tell you something”.
”Yes babe,” I said to her.
”Remember, it was your last for today,” she said.
”Ok but I can have on after you know what,” I said to her.
”Yes, of course, you can have but we need to come back I don't want to do it here,” she said.