623 Do it today (1/2)
While we go out from our room, we go to the elevator and while being there Sophia said: ”so you want some BBQ”.
”I can have some, but where,” I said to her.
”Martha is making it and what important she makes it awesome,” she said. While hearing her I said ”oh ok” and then we come down. While we were there, we walked out and while seeing Meg Sophia said: ”so you waited here”.
”Yes Mei and Jim will be here soon they go to buy some beer,” she said.
”Ok,” Sophia said and then Jim comes. While seeing it we come inside and while being there we started driving to Martha's house. While we were doing it Sophia said: ”you know where”.
”Yes, she gives me the address,” Jim said while pointing on GPS. While he did it Sophia said ”ok” and then she moved her head on my shoulder 'you truly needed to ask so stupid question' I asked myself while looking at her. While I was doing it for some time I started looking outside. When I was doing it we come to a more expensive area and when Jim parked, he said: ”ok we are here”.
”Ok,” Sophia said. While hearing her I started opening my seatbelts but while it blocked I couldn't do this. While Sophia walked away Jim asked me ”what are you doing”
”Fighting,” I said and when I opened them I said ”fuckers” and I go out of the car. When I did this he almost light like crazy. While seeing him I looked at him and then I started walking with beers in my hand which I take from Jim. While we come there, I could see that they are talking and then I said: ”I will take care of it”.
”No, you are my guest so I will do this,” Martha said while looking at me. While she was doing it Sophia said: ”so what now”.
”Oh, we can watch something,” Mei said.
”Boring,” Sophia said to her, and while hearing her Martha played some music. While hearing it Sophia drinks a little of beer which she takes earlier from me. When she does it I drank a little, and then she takes me to dance. While at first, I don't want to go with her. While we were dancing, I could feel that I'm hungry and sleepy. While I almost collapsed Martha's voice comes ”food is ready”.
”Ok' Sophia said to her and when I come to the table. While being there we started eating. While we were doing it I eat my portion with salad Martha probably made while nowhere I could find bought. While I was eating, I looked from time to time at Sophia and while she was only eating meat with some fried potatoes, I wanted to tell her she needs to eat salad but I waited when she did. While looking at her she did and then I said: ”now some salad,”.
”Babe really,” she said.
”Yes,” I said and after putting a little on her plate she started eating it while not being happy. While she did half of this Martha said: ”Sophia I want to talk with you for a second”.
”Ok,” Sophia said and when she walked after her I drank while looking at them. While I did with beer Jim give me another and when I opened I drank a little. While I did this, I said ”strong”.
”Yes, eight and a half,” he said.
”Good” I smiled to him and then Sophia comes. While looking at me she said, ”you drinking it”.
”Yes,” I said while looking at her. While I was doing it she said: ”it's awful”.