605 Hardest ques (1/2)

When I come out of the bedroom, I walked to the doors. While I come there, I opened doors and while seeing Meg there I asked: ”oh only you”.

”For now, only me I need to go to see my manager,” she said while giving me a bag. While seeing it I looked at her and then I said: ”so you come here later”.

”Yes Mei and Jim are waiting for me downstairs,” Meg said.

”Oh, ok,” I said and then her phone started ringing. While hearing it she answered and put it on speaker ”I will be there soon”.

”Ok,” Mei said.

”Buy some food,” I said to her.

”Ok,” Mei said.

”Thanks,” I said and then Meg ended the call. When she did this, she looked at me and then she said: ”I will be going and in about an hour I should be back”.

”Ok,” I said to her and then she walked out. While I closed doors, I started walking to the kitchen. While I opened the bag, I take the thermometer out and while seeing something for fever I put it there and while having it I started walking to the bedroom. While I come there, I could see that Greg is looking on his laptop. While seeing him I said ”turn”.

”Ok, so who was it,” he asked while turning to me.

”Oh, Meg comes and while giving me thermometer she goes away,” I said.

”Why,” he asked.

”Oh, you see she will come back here later but for now her manager calls her,” I said.

”Oh, ok,” he said and when I give him thermometer, I said, ”check”.

”Ok,” he said and while taking it and hiding under his arm print. While he did it I asked: ”how are you feeling”.

”Good,” he said and while hearing him I sit on the bed and then I said ”do you know why it happened”

”Oh, maybe because I haven't dried my hair yesterday, or maybe going necked out,” he said.

”Maybe,” I said while smiling to him. While I was doing it he looked at me and then he said: ”so what we will do”.

”I don't know,” I said.

”Me too,” he said. While hearing him I said, ”You need to stay in bed”.

”Really,” he asked.

”Yes, you need to do this,” I said while smiling to him. While I did this thermometer ended and when he takes it out, I looked and while seeing that he have a high fever I said: ”oh so you need to be in bed for sure”.

”How much,” he asked

”Thirty-eight and a half,” I said 'too much' I said to myself while looking at him.

”Oh fuck,” he said while taking off his shorts. While he was doing it I helped him while accidentally taking off his boxers too. When I did this he said, ”what are you doing”.

”Oh, nothing,” I said while I wanted to move them up but then I grabbed Allan 'you too big' I said to myself while having him in my hand. While I did this, he said: ”babe not now”.

”Oh sorry,” I said while realizing him. When I did this, he looked at me and then he said: ”babe told you we will not have until your period end”.

”I know babe I just accidentally touched him,” I said while moving to him and then I give him a short kiss. When I did this, I said ”ok I will give you some painkillers and then you need to take a nap,”.

”Ok,” he said. While hearing him I walked out, and while I come to the kitchen, I started boiling water. While I was doing it I checked what Meg bought me and while seeing that it drink I take a glass and after throwing what was inside of the bag to it I waited when water will be ready. While it was I take it, and then I started walking back. While I come to the bedroom, I give Greg this glass and I said: ”I found it and it will help”.

”Ok,” he said and then he started drinking it. While he was doing it I closed his laptop and then I said: ”now sleep”.

”Ok, but could you hug me,” he asked.