603 Buy me thermometer (1/2)
While I come to the table, I looked at what Greg ordered and while smelling nothing I sit and while he comes closer to me and sits while giving me a fork he said: \”so now we can eat\”.
\”Of course,\” I said while smiling to him and then I opened the box with food. 'Oh, this' I said to myself and we started eating. While we were doing it, it wasn't anything special for me but while we were eating for some time I remembered about cake and then I said: \”where is cake\”.
\”Oh, good that you said about it I hide it on the shelf,\” Greg said.
\”Ok,\” I said.
\”Oh, wait I will hide it inside of the fridge for now,\” he said while getting up and taking it from the bag and then he walked to the fridge. While he hides it there, I said: \”so we continue eating\”.
\”Of course,\” he said. While we continue eating, I did fast while I wanted to eat something sweet and then Greg said, \”I need to be here when you are taking your dad role\”.
\”Why,\” I asked.
\”You need some breaks but look at you,\” he said.
\”What is bad in me,\” I asked.
\”You worked almost like a robot and you can't do it,\” he said.
\”Ok,\” I said and while looking at him he said, \”so you want cake now or we wait\”.
\”Wait,\” I said and then I lay on his laps. When I did this, he moved his hand around my hair. While he was doing it I turned to him and then I said: \”ok I can eat it\”.
\”Wait five more minutes,\” he said. While hearing him I said \”ok\”.
While I was lying like that for some time he said: \”ok we can eat it\”.
\”Ok,\” I said while getting up and after taking small plates with small forks I looked at him and I said, \”ok go for it\”.
\”I'm going I'm going,\” he said while walking to the fridge and after he takes it out, he walked back to the table. While seeing him I waited for cake. While he gives it to me I take it and while I started eating it, I could smell some flavors but it wasn't anything special. 'Never will he buy cake again' I said to myself and when I did it while I couldn't let it go to the trash I said, \”I'm going back to work\”.
\”Ok,\” he said.
While hearing him I walked back to my desk. While I was there, I started working again. While I was doing it again, it takes me fully. While I was now going with all the newest emails, I could hear Greg's voice \”babe end for today\”.
\”Ok,\” I said while moving a lot on my chair. While seeing me he asked, \”How are you feeling\”?
\”Tired a lot,\” I said 'I hope I haven't overworked myself' I said to myself while looking at Greg who gets up and walked to me. While he was close to me he started massaging me. While he was doing it I started feeling relaxed and then I said: \”now much better\”.
\”That's good,\” he said to me while he continues doing it. While he was doing it for some time he ended and then he said: \”so we come back now\”.
\”Yes,\” I said and while turning off my computer, when I did this I take my things and we walked down. While we come outside, I opened my bag and while not seeing keys I said: \”I lose keys\”.
\”No, I have them,\” Greg said.
\”How,\” I asked.
\”Oh, I forgot the bag, and I walked for it,\” he said.
\”Ok, so you drive,\” I said.
\”Ok,\” he said and while he walked as a driver we started our journey back home. While we were driving for some time I looked at Greg and while seeing that he started becoming red I asked: \”babe how are you feeling\”.