586 I will order (1/2)
While I was sleeping ringing my phone wakes me up. While hearing that it stopped I said: \”if they want something they will call one more time\” and then I closed my eyes.
While I did this it started ringing again. While hearing it I started moving from bed but while having my shorts away and I couldn't go there without getting up I do this and when I have my phone in my hand and while seeing that's its Sophia I answered and I said \”yes\”.
\”I wake you up,\” she asked.
\”Yes,\” I said and then I started walking to the bathroom while I needed to pee so much. While I was doing it she said: \”what you doing now\”.
\”Going to pee,\” I said.
\”I want you to check one thing for me,\” she said.
When hearing her I come inside of the bathroom and while for now, I couldn't talk I started doing it. While feeling much lighter now I said: \”ok now I can talk normally\”.
\”Like I was saying I want you to check something for me,\” she said.
\”Ok,\” I said and then I washed my hands and she said, \”go to your PC and I will send you some files\”.
\”Oh, wait you need to do it now,\” I asked.
\”What you thinking about,\” she asked.
\”It's some special files,\” I asked.
\”Yes,\” she said.
\”Ok give me some time and I will come there,\” I said to her and then she said \”ok,\”.
\”Ok I will end the call now,\” I said and before I could continue I asked while remembering one thing \”are keys to my car here or you take them one more time,\”.
\”I left them,\” she said.
\”Ok I will go soon,\” I said.
\”Ok have a safe trip,\” she said and then she hangs out. When she did this, I throw the phone on the bed and while I did this, I walked to the bedroom and while being there I changed to new clothes.
While having them on me I walked out and when I come to my room, I walked inside and when I take shorts on me I take the phone and then I walked out. When I did this, I walked to the kitchen and while making one sandwich to be I walked out while taking keys.
While I was out I walked to the elevator but while seeing a card that it's closed I started walking down by stairs.
While I come finally there I come inside of the car and while being there I started driving first to the shop to make some shopping for food.
While I drive there, I stopped in the closest shop and while I come inside; I bought some rolls with some ham, and while having it I take some cucumber and tomato. While having it all I take energy drink and while having it all I paid for it and then I walked out. While I put all inside of the car, I smoke and while I did this; I started my journey to Sophia's workplace.
While I come there after some time I parked and then I walked out of the car. While I was there, I started walking straight to Sophia's office with a bag where I have all my shopping. While I come close, I knocked to her doors and then I come inside. While I was there, she said: \”you come here fast\”.