507 Morning problems (1/2)


When I was sleeping something started disturbing me.

As I opened my eyes I could see that I been face to face with Greg. As I was observing him he moves a little and then I could feel that something hit me.

While the sun started opening my eyes I could see that its Greg's member who been hitting me 'oh well I can see that again you have morning problems' I said to myself while realizing myself from his hug.

When I did this I walked out of the room. When I did this I could see that its early morning ”how long have I sleep” I asked myself while looking around and thinking now I didn't remember at which hour I fall asleep I walked to the bathroom and while being there I did what I needed.

When I did this I walked out and while seeing that Greg been still sleeping so I walked to the kitchen to make something to eat. As I been there my phone started ringing. While seeing it I answered and I said ”Meg what you want”

”I want to tell you good news,” she said

”Which are,” I asked while looking at the fridge

”Mei hasn't come back yesterday so you know what that means,” she said with excitement in her voice

”I know well for her,” I said to her and then I could hear that doors been opened. While I was hearing it Meg said loud ”oh you come back. Wait I will put on speaker”

”I come back for only my things and I'm going now,” Mei said

”Ok I want details,” Meg said

”Me too,” I said

”What we have a good night with sleeping and hugging,” Mei said

”Oh come on I know you did something,” Meg said

”I haven't done anything with Jim yet,” Mei said and then I could hear her steps. While I been hearing it I said ”ok meg now I need your help”

”With what,” she asked

”I need to make breakfast,” I said while looking at the open fridge. While hearing me Meg laughed and said ”sorry girl but you need to make it yourself” and then she hangs out.