439 You been drinking too much (1/2)
While I been calling to grandma and she hasn't answered I ended it while probably she is now busy and I said ”she isn't answering”
”To who you been calling” Greg ask me
”Oh to grandma I remembered that they have a home close to one of the most popular resorts and I don't remember the name of it,” I said while not remembering this polish names of cities
”Oh that will be good now the process of renting a room is high like hell,” Greg said
”True but still I hope she will call me back soon,” I said to him
”Yep,” he said and then Meg looks at us and she said ”you both have some plans there”
”Yes week without mostly doing anything,” I said to her
”Yea I know how you're doing anything end,” Mei said
”What sometimes going to skiing and then eating a lot,” I said to her
”I was not talking about it but still I'm just curious why we going with both of you I need to come back to work,” Mei said to us
”Right oh wait maybe you will take next days,” Megan said to her
”I don't know if my boss will agree with it,” Mei said
”You don't work at your father company” Greg ask her 'oh right you don't know where Mei is working' I said to myself while looking at him
”No I'm working at a government institution,” Mei said to Greg
”Oh that's new for me,” he said
”Ok end of talking let's go back to eating it becoming cold,” Meg said to us
”Ok,” we said to her while coming back to eating. While I was doing first I start eating chicken and rice. While I was doing it I finished them and I start with a salad.
While I been fighting with it for some more time Greg said ”ok end this”
”Why,” I asked him
”It's enough for you,” he said while taking my plate and start eating it. While he been doing it I said ”I will go use bathroom”
”Ok,” he said and then I could hear that Mei and Megan said at the same time ”I will go with you” and then they get up. While seeing them Greg nodded and we start walking there. While we come inside Mei ask ”how are you feeling”
”Not bad,” I said to her while coming inside and starting doing it. While I was doing it Mei and Meg been observing me and after I did Mei come to my place. While she been there I said ”I'm hoping all will go good”
”What might go bad” Meg asks me
”Oh I don't know some extra shoots maybe,” I said to her
”Oh this could happen,” she said to me
”Really,” I asked her
”It will be not the first time. Ok Mei end it I will soon pee myself” Meg said and then Mei get up
While seeing that its last person here who need to use it I start waiting for them after I had my hands washed. While I been doing it I remembered one thing ”oh I forgot my phone”
”Greg is close to it so nothing happened,” Mei said
”Yea true but grandma might call soon,” I said to her
”He meets them so don't worry about it,” Mei said to me
”True are you finished,” I asked Meg
”Not yet,” she said
”What it takes you so long,” I said
”Oh you know some things,” she said and then she gets up and goes wash her hands. When she did with them I said ”ok we can go now”
”Yep,” Mei and Meg said to me at the same time and we start walking out. As I been first I have been in front of them and while coming closer to the table where Greg been sitting and doing something on my phone.
While seeing him I come closer to him and after I give him a hug he said ”yes”
”What you doing,” I ask him
”Oh nothing checking some things,” he said and then he adds ”Megan Jim wanted something from you”