418 You drink so fast that I been scared of you (1/2)

While we were going back the same route I could see that Greg move a little from me and then he said ”the sea isn't that cold like I thought”

”True but still I will not swim here,” Meg said to him

”Not only you,” Mei said

”Why,” he asks them

”You don't have here someone to look at us,” Meg said

”Oh right,” he said to them while coming more there. 'What you planning' I ask myself and then he said after few seconds ”ok short walk like that and I'm going out they start becoming too big”

”Ok,” we said to him and while we were walking like that for some time he said ”fuck I'm going out”

”What happened,” I ask him while I not been paying attention to him but I been looking at the sky which been now clean.

”Waves become too big and I don't want to lose some things,” he said to me

”Oh ok,” I said to him while coming closer and giving him a kiss 'they are really huge' I said to myself while feeling waives on my feet. When I do this I could see that he take out his cigarettes and he starts smoking. While he been doing it and I start one more time looking at stars Meg said ”why you doing it”

”Oh I start while smoking and it helps me clear my mind,” Greg said to her

”True,” I said

”Oh and most important I need to go out from my room to smoke,” he said

”Oh right another way you will not go out from your PC,” Meg asks

”Yes I would play and only go out to make food if I need or use the bathroom,” he said

”So why smoking now you always could do it without it,” she said

”Right babe,” I said

”yea I could but still when I started one and it was university time so drinking parties etc. so I been starting smoking and when it ended I left with it and it became a habit,” Greg said

”Ok but I like that taste,” I said

”It's awful,” Mei and Meg said at the same time

”Maybe for you but not for me,” I said while coming closer to him and I give him to kiss. As we were doing it for some time I stop and while feeling on my mouths spices which he uses on the chicken I  said ”hmm it was good but still I could taste some spices from your mouths”

”Oh, it might happen,” Greg said while going around of them with his finger and then he said ”I had but not anymore,”

”Oh that's good,” I said to him. After I said it we have been walking slowly to our destination while most of the time I was holding hands with Greg and I been looking at the sky. After some time of doing it, he asks ”so what we will be doing next”

”Oh I have no idea,” Megan said

”Not only you,” Mei said

”Oh I have an idea but I need Greg to it,” I said to them

”Hell no you can't do this” Mei and Meg said at the same time

While hearing them I start laughing and then I said ”not what you thinking”

”So what,” they ask me

”Secret,” I said while knowing what I want and not only my shoulder but my feets needed it now

”Ok now more important question where are we,” Greg ask us

”Oh I don't know,” Meg said