405 So thats why it stinks there (1/2)
While I been sleeping I could feel that someone been moving me. While feeling it I don't want to wake up from my dream which Greg been looking at me before going after what I want. While I been slowly waking up I could hear ”Sophia wake up”
While he been doing it I opened my eyes while saying ”I don't want to do this”
”Oh what,” he asks
”Sex I don't want it now,” I said
”Oh you have been dreaming about it,” he said to me while coming closer and kissing my forehead and then he continues ”I come here to wake you up and said that food is ready”
”Oh ok,” I said while opening my eyes fully and then I said to him ”ok let me change”
”Ok,” Greg said and then I get up from the bed and then walk to the bathroom. While being there I do what I needed and after I did this I go out. While seeing that he is playing on his phone I come to my baggage and then I take underwear. While I been looking at it I couldn't choose and then I turn to Greg while saying ”so which I should choose”
”Oh I don't know but please be faster food is probably going to be cold now, ”he said to me and then he looks at me and said after a few seconds ”at your right”
”Ok,” I said while starting putting on myself. While I been doing it I could see that Greg been observing me. While I did this I put the dress on me and while smelling that something is cooked and nice smell going around I walk out from the room.
When I come to the stairs I could see that Mei and Megan been sitting with food on the table and probably waiting for us 'oh that's good' I said to myself while coming down. While seeing me Mei starts looking at me like a child waiting for the mother to give him food.
While I was observing her I said ”Ok let's eat,” while sitting. While being there Greg comes closer and he starts putting portions from pan to plates. While he does it at first with Megan and later with Mei, he finally starts putting on my plate.
While he did with mine he put to rest on his. While observing him I was looking at girls to not let them start eating before he will have. When I could see that he put to rest we start eating.
While we were doing it Megan said ”it's good” 'not good great' I said to myself while eating slowly
”Oh thanks,” Greg said
”I can feel a little spice here,” Mei said
”Oh I add chili to eggs,” Greg said and while looking at me. While he been doing it I move closer to him and I said ”it's delicious”
”Thanks,” he said and then we kiss. While I been eating I was not thinking about what is happening around but I been eating it 'oh maybe I will add there more chili' I said to myself while almost finishing. When I did this I could see that all around me finished and then Greg said ”So what now,”
”Now we need to change and wait for a car,” Megan said
”Ok,” he said while getting up and when he did this I done the same. When been walking after Greg we come to our room. While being there I start changing to a better dress. While I been doing it Greg ask ”how long it will take you there”
”Full day so without dinner with me but at supper, I will be back,” I said
”Ok,” he said. While I been changing I could feel that he been looking at me. While I almost finished Greg said ”come here”
”Why,” I ask him while being surprised by what he wants to do
”To hug you before going away I will not do other things,” Greg said to me. While hearing him I come closer and after I sit on his legs he hugs me. While we were doing it I could feel his slow breathing on my shoulder. While I been like that for some time I could fall asleep from it but then doors been opened and Megan said ”car is here”
”Ok I'm going now and Greg start watching something to let your time pass fast,” I said while kissing Greg and walking out. While being there Meg look at I and she asks ”are you ready”
”Yes I hope it will be easier,” I said to her
”I hope too,” she said and then we come down. While being there I could see that Mei been outside wearing an only swimsuit. While seeing her I said ”don't burn you”