396 Oh I thought you make a decision (1/2)

When pain from hitting cold water go away from me I start looking around and I could see that Sophia come closer to me and she ask ”are you all right”

”Yes,” I said while sitting on chairs. While being there I look at her and I ask ”is there deeper or no”

”Let me check,” she said to move there. When she comes there and starts looking around she turns and said ”no here is all right”

”Ok I will go there,” I said while going out from the water and going there. While I come there I sit on the edge of the pool and slowly come inside. While seeing it Sophia start laughing 'fucking cast' I said to myself while looking at her and then I said ”and if not this shit I will be now all wet and not need to go with what happened to me earlier”

”Oh and what happened,” she asks

”You don't have a dick so you don't know,” I said while now being almost full in water only half of my chest been out with my right hand. While hearing she come closer and after placing her hand on Allan she said ”and what I don't have it but I have you”

”Oh don't do this way I will not hold myself,” I said while kissing her 'you to tempting I want to eat you' I said to myself. While he was doing it Sophia sits on my legs. While we were doing it I could see that Mei and Megan come to the pool and while seeing us they jump inside of it. After they did this Sophia stop our kiss and she turns. When she did this Megan said ”don't let our presence disturbed you”

And she turns her back to us. While seeing it Sophia smiled. While I been looking at Sophia and still having her hand on Allan I could feel that he start waking up and when her look hit me I said ”sorry”

After I do this we come back to kissing. While we were doing it for some time Sophia stops and she turns to Megan and Mei. While she been looking at them she said ”so what now”

”I don't know,” Mei said

”Oh I know,” Meg said while coming closer to us and she said ”maybe you should take some more sun”

”oh, I don't want to,” Sophia said to her while going out of my legs and she goes underwater when been deeper 'you been moving after you turn to them' I said to myself while observing Sophia which go out from the water. When she does this Megan said ”do not show off”

”I haven't I just miss it,” Sophia said to her. When I been observing girls when they been swimming for most of the time my look goes on Sophia and her breast which been moving so nice 'no don't think about it' I said to myself. While I been watching them Sophia ended at one point and then she comes closer to me and she sits on my legs. While being there she moves a little on the side which triggered and then I whispered to her ”don't move”

While hearing me she stops doing it and I move my hand underwater to move a change position of Allan 'oh now is nice' I said to myself after I did this. While I been looking at Sophia back and the sun which soon will go down I start thinking about one small thing which maybe Sophia might do with me. While I been doing it I could hear Mei voice ”what is for dinner” 'oh I start becoming hungry slowly' I said to myself while hearing her words

”Oh this is a good question,” Meg said

”True,” Sophia said to them. While hearing them I said while making a fast decision ”I can go and check if there is something”

”Ok,” Sophia said while getting out from me and when I start getting up Sophia said ”oh I have something to do with you now Mei and Meg could you check it”

'Wait what' I said to myself while going back to sitting. When I did this Megan said ”ok let's go she have some plans for now”

”Ok,” Mei said to her. When they start walking I sit on edge of the pool and I said ”what you planning maybe small thing outside”

”No I can see that Allan is half-awakened,” she said while pointing on him. When she does this I look down and I could see that his shape been visible. While seeing it I said ”oh well so what we doing now”