368 You both have a single room (1/2)

When I wake up I start looking around and when I saw that I'm alone in the room I said in a low voice ”oh fuck I take a nap” and I go out from there. While being out I start looking around and coming to where girls are I could see that Sophia is doing something on her phone while Mei and Megan are doing their own things. While seeing me Mei said ”oh you wake up”

”Yes I had a good nap,” I said to her

”Oh so what now we will do,” she asks and while I start looking at Sophia I said ”I don't know and where is my phone,” I ask

”Oh probably she has it,” Mei said while pointing on Sophia. While seeing it I said ”so time to sit and wait when she will notice me” and I sit and start waiting. While I been like that I take a piece of paper and start making lines there to just do something. While I been doing it Meg and Mei come closer to me and they ask ”what you doing”

”Oh nothing I'm bored,” I said to Megan

”Oh so maybe we will play” she ask

”I don't want to play poker now maybe countries cities,” I ask her

”What it that,” she asked me

”oh its simple you need in two minutes put one name of each category for example when its M you need to put Monaco under section of country Madrid under city section” I start to explain to them while drawing it on paper then I continue after taking a breath ”and three other sections which we need to think now with points 15 if for example you Megan answer in one section and nobody else will have it there 10 if answers aren't repeatable and 5 if you Mei with Megan will have same answer or three of us” I said to them

”Ok so how many sections we have there,” she asks

”Oh maximum to six and you can change it a lot,” I said to her

”Ok and others” Mei ask

”Oh let me see colors flower and maybe name,” I said

”Ok let's play but which letter” Mei ask

”Oh I have an app with random letters,” Meg said while taking her phone out and showing it to us. While seeing it each of us takes a piece of paper and pen and starts making country city color flower and name section. While seeing it I said ”let's draw and who the first end saying stop”

”Ok,” Megan said and she draws A. while seeing it I start writing Andorra, Amsterdam, and Ann. After I write it I start thinking about the color that I should give there. same as of flower. While I been thinking Mei said ”stop”

While looking at her I ask ”you have all”

”Yes,” she said while putting a piece of paper on the table. While seeing it I said ”Megan stop writing”

”Oh I wanted to finish the name,” she said and then we start checking who where have and adding points. While seeing that I lose while the first round of having only 30 points while they have for 45 while the only country they have the same. When next rounds come we start playing and sometimes I been winning sometimes losing but thinking a lot for a short time is good. While we were doing it for some time I could hear Sophia voice ”when you wake up”

”Oh hour ago maybe two,” I said while getting up and coming closer to her. While being there I give her a kiss and then I said ”I don't want to disturb you”

”You should,” she said

”Sorry but your face when you are focused is so sexy,” I said to her. After a few seconds where she been looking at me, she said ”so what you been playing”