353 Did I need to wake her up (1/2)

While I was observing Sophia and Martha talk I start eating. While I was doing it Sophia ended her talk and start coming back. While she been close I put her on my leg. While being there she said ”it was good to meet an old friend”

”I suppose but still how are you feeling now,” I ask while moving my hand on her back

”Exhausted I want back to home,” she said while looking at me

”So we can go back and I can make you even more exhausted,” I said while giving her a kiss on her cheek. While hearing me she hit me on my shoulder and she said ”no I don't want it” and she gets up while saying ”I will go for Megan and Mei and I will tell them that we are going back”

”Ok,” I said while getting up and coming after her. While we come closer Sophia said ”we are going back soon”

”Ok,” Megan said while looking at Mei which been standing close to her. After hearing it Sophia said ”I will call for driver”

”Ok,” Megan said and then I said ”I will be going smoke”

”Ok,” Sophia said. When I go out I start looking around and while seeing that sweety is playing I take choose to call him while knowing I will not wake him up. after few rings he answers and said ”what the fuck I'm fighting now with the boss” he said and I could hear the sound of the game 'what you playing' I ask myself and then I said ”be ready in around week I will come home”

”Oh really so drinking time,” he said

”No broken bone,” I said to him

”Oh right,” he said and then he adds ”so why you calling about it”

”My safe I want things from there so be ready I can come any hour there so now sex I don't want to see it” I said to him

”oh come one now I'm without it for some time she doesn't want to do it while being pregnant” he said while probably pausing game and then he said ”ok it will be in your room all is where you left” he said to me

”Ok,” I said and I could see that girls start walking out so I said ”I'm finishing call nq”

”Nq” I could hear before ending the call. When I did this I could see Sophia coming closer and then she said ”ok so we are going back”

”Yes I'm ready,” I said while looking at her. When we come close to the road I start thinking about how long it will take the car to come for us it starts being cold now. While I was looking I could see it coming.  When it comes and we come inside Sophia said ”to Megan place and later to mine, I'm not going back today to parents place”

”Ok” I could hear the driver's voice. 'So we are going to our place 'I said to myself while trying to not smile while knowing what will happen.

While I been observing Sophia I could see that Mei start falling asleep and when she lay on her Sophia said ”she will sleep in my place but how we will take her there”