233 Character but still the bes (1/2)
While I follow Angela I try to be quiet and when I find a good book I will start reading it and while doing it she could forget about jogging. While we walk for around minute she asks me ”you like to read”
”Yes,” I said to her while looking at the floor.
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”Oh that good you last from few that enjoy books and this place you will like,” she said to me and she turns to open one door. While push them I come to one big library. While looking around I said ”how you segregated it”
”Surnames of authors,” she said while going to the couch and taking one of the books from there and she starts reading. While seeing her I start walking around and when I saw one surname of the author I start looking at his most popular series.
While looking around I finally found the first volume of this series and while moving to next I take my phone and after googling a few things I find which book after ”rainbow six” I should read. While having it in my hands I said to myself 'I hope the best character shows up. He is a side character but still the best'.
While having it in my hands I come closer to Angela and while being there I could see that she take one of the novels from the nineteen century. While sitting I open it and start reading.
While I been doing it time pass and Angela said ”oh you read so fast I'm impressed”
”No problem,” I said to her then she said ”dessert”
”Of course but first I will go smoke,” I said to her while getting up. While looking around she said ”go out and on right they are doors to go outside”
”Ok thanks,” I said to her and I go out. While being there I start smoking and thinking how the author changes characters and if I should read more or nope.
While I almost finish I felt Sophia hug and her words ”I need energy”