230 Ok lets ea (1/2)


While hearing Greg words I start going lower and lower while being close to his shorts he said „what you doing”

”Oh, you will see,” I said and I start opening his shorts with my teeth. 'It's so hard doing it' I said to myself while having Greg shorts in my teeth

While I finally did this and I could see his boxers I start using my mouth to realize the monster that he was there. While I put them down and I could see sleepy Allan I said to Greg „you like what you seeing”

While hearing my words he said ”not fully”

'What you don't like' I said to myself then I ask „what you don't like”

While waiting for his response I could see that Allan slowly start awaking and while he starts becoming bigger and bigger Greg said to me ”that you have some top on you”

'oh this' I said to myself while I move my tongue on Allan to help him awake and after I do this I start taking my top to help Greg virtualize what he is seeing and awake Allan fully. While I take my shirt off I could see that he is awaking more and more and while Allan been doing it Greg wanted to get up so I said to him ”lay still”

”Ok,” he said to me while putting more pillows under his back and head. While he been doing it I take off my bra and I come closer to him while wanted to use my boobs to satisfy my love and thanks to him that I could choose what he will wear at a charity event

While being there I take Allan in my hands and while coming closer with my tors I place him between Ann and Alexa. While he been there I use some of my salivae and while it landed on Allan's head Sophia starts moving. 'They are to dry' I said while having it between my girls

while I been moving him between my girls knocking to doors come and while hearing it I said”yes” while don't stop my movements

From another side of doors voice of my mother come ”come down in max half of hour”

While hearing her I said ”ok” and I move more than I was talking with her mom. 'Oh it's so exciting' I said to myself while talking to mom and pleasuring Greg.

While I been doing it for some time Greg said to me „maybe you will change one thing”

While hearing him I look at him and while probably knowing what he wants I put Allan inside my mouth. While I start doing it a little moan comes from Greg's lips

While I start moving Allan head deeper and deeper I could hear Greg words”I will come soon” and while I hear his words I nod my head a little. While I did this unexpected happened Greg start coming. 'So fast' I said to myself while feeling Greg hot liquid going thru my throat

While he been coming and coming for a long time I almost couldn't take it anymore but then he stops. While he finishes he looks at me and while I been swallowing rest of what he left I start thinking what to do. 'Let him play with me or left it for later.

while I been thinking I remembered that I never been quiet and while I don't want to alarm parents what we were doing it I decided to do it later at home.