187 Lets give it try (1/2)

While searching what Greg could make I feel him coming close to me and after lying on my legs he said to me ”could I do what I want”

”yes, you can” I answered while still searching for what he could make and I start becoming more and more frustrated while I couldn't find what he will be making.

When I wanted to drop this I could feel Greg hand under my shirt and he starts playing around my tummy while going slowly up. feeling it I don't know what he is thinking and I said to him ”what you really want”

Hearing me he answer ”boobs pillow after what today happened I need to fall asleep for now on something nice. And what is best for this your beautiful and perfect boobs”

When I hear his answer I become angry and I don't want to talk to him for now and his face blocks me from going out so I hit him and go out. While I come to the unused room I sit there on the bed and I said to myself ”what you doing”

While thinking about his words I become more and more annoyed and I don't know what could calm me down. ”why you said this” I said to myself and I could hear doors open to the room where he is streaming. After some time he goes out and probably doors to our bedroom been open

Hearing this I said to myself ”so you really tired but you could use another word to said that you want me to be with you” I said while going out.

When I come to doors I open them while coming inside. When I have been there I could see that Greg face been red. 'what happened to you' I said to myself while looking at him then I said ”ok you can fall asleep on my girls but only for some time you just too heavy” while adding in mind 'only for happened to you today and I could check that you don't have temperature' I said to myself while taking my bra and shirt and coming to him

Hearing me he answer shortly ”ok” and when I lay on the bed he comes from behind and tries to fall asleep. 'how heavy you are' I said to myself while having his head on me.

After some time he falls asleep and I could feel on Ann that something is burning me.

When Greg snore a little I take him out from my chest and place slowly on the pillow. When I did this I put my hand to his forehead and my hand started burning.

”what to do,” I said to myself while looking at him. After some time I decided to wait for him to wake up but before I go out I prepare a shirt for him to change if he sweet a lot.

When I take it and place close to bed I go slowly out and go to the living room to make some phone calls.

First one is to mom. After a few seconds, she answers while saying ”what happened my child”

”Greg is sick and I don't know if Friday is still good I will tell you tomorrow”

”wait what happened to him” mom ask

”fiver he is burning now. Before you ask I will call soon to home to make me chicken soup and delivery soon here”

”Oh and where he is now”