171 Its for you too (1/2)
while Greg tries to fall asleep I go back to read that novel. while reading I could feel that he get up and move from my laps. my one eye go after Greg while the second read. when he lay on his side close to me I ask myself ' what you doing' then I could feel that he put his hand on my tummy.
feeling it I said to him ” what you doing”
”disturbing myself from not hearing what they are talking about,” I said to me while giving me a kiss. while he has been doing it he put his hand under my t-shirt and start moving there. seeing it i said to myself 'oh you helping me with revenge baby'
while saying it I put his old phone that I need to change on my right side. while phone almost touches the ground I mo my other hand and I help his hesitance hand to touch my girls. when it landed there he starts moving his two fingers around them rest I could see thanks to my t-shirt. at first, I become more interested with his kissing that movements but whenhe placed his hand under my bra i start feeling pain from straps so I said to him ”open my bra it hurt me”
”ok,” he said to me and I move a little up when I did it he move his hand while still playing with another. after a few seconds he opens it. when the pain from straps gone I have only now from my nipples that he is playing. at first, I stop myself from moaning but at one time I couldn't and I moan not loud how I could but still, Megan and mei could hear it. when I did it Greg starts kissing me to probably stop me from moaning. time pass and Greg move from one to another but then he stops and feeling it I wake up from my ecstasy I ask him”why you did” I couldn't finish and then he said to me
”I can't feel my right arm,” with pain on his face
”oh poor you,” I said to him and I push me to lay on his back. when I did it I start massaging his poor arm that now has been in pain. while doing it he said to me ”I will go for some time”
”where,” I ask him
”to have business talk” hearing him I said to myself ąwhat business talk nową so I said loud
”I need to sit at toilet” hearing him I haven't said anything because I could see Megan and Mei deadly look at us. while he gets up he takes his phone and goes out. after doors have been closed Megan said to me ”you naughty girl why you have to feed us dog food”
”oh it wasn't me who starts it,” I said to her while adding ”could you help me with my t-shirt I can't take off my bra”
”oh you will suffer now,” she said to me. hearing her I take somehow it and after I have done it Megan come closer to me and she asks ”why you have been doing this to me”
”he starts to make some distraction”
”why I saw one that he has an anime t-shirt so I play here especially anime”