154 Fed by her (1/2)

when I go out I could hear music that I play. when I have done what I needed I go out from the bathroom and I could hear Sophia voice ”made a slow mode chat going to fast”

”soon I will make submode so slow mode not necessary,” I said to her while remembering that now I have 20 thousand people so I go back to the room. when I sit on the living room chair I said to my viewers

”Hello everyone today we will be playing in Ruminate,” I said to them but from my headphones go my scream from only one time I go with chat and play horror. I do this for charity but still, I have it so much for this day and I don't make such bets with that crazy band of people. when it ends I could hear female bot with female voice start saying ” megumiiiiiiii good that you are back one thousand dollars”. I said ”thx” knowing that she if I know well, is crazy with donations.

”oh like I was saying before we will be playing Ruminate” again same scream come to my headphones and I drop the idea with telling what we will be playing when I saw that the same amount of money come and soon will be next. 'good that I could see how many they give me another way I could make this greeting for full hour while being stopped by donations and subs come there too I hope if now someone give me a sub will be read at probably the end of today stream' i said to myself while listening to bot who has been readingmeimei message ”you finally back I was missing your voice but you have almost the same like my best friend boyfriend's voice”

hearing it I only answer ”oh nice to know”. after a few seconds, I apologize for not reading so many nicknames and answering questions.'my voice could be destroyed tomorrow when I will answer these questions' i said to myself while start playing the game.

after an hour of game, I have passed I don't know how many of it and people watching my stream come to 50 thousand so I said to them ”small break for smoke and phone call” then I stop a game and play one minute of adds. when I get up I could feel that my ass is hurting me from this chair.

when I go out from room I look at a not used room and there was a gaming chair. seeing it I go to living room and I could see Sophia laying on the couch while eating some snacks and probably watching adds that I play. when I come close to her I take one of it and start eating then she said to me ”its mine”

”I know but it looks tasty so I take one,” I said to her and I give her kiss

”you shouldn't go smoke,” she said to me

”I wanted but then I saw in that room” I point on a room with box ”that there is gaming chair”

”Oh I bought it for you,” she said while grabbing my t-shirt and moving me to her. when I come there I give her fast kiss while saying ”I want to spend more time with you now but you see they are waiting for me” I said to her while pointing a number of people that watching me

”ok but end soon”