102 Today is end of they actions (1/1)
After hearing Sophia words I follow her to security room. when I follow her to elevator stop and bold come out from it. 'good that he don't know how I look' I said to myself then I comeback to follo Sophia to it. When we come to floor where security have they room. Then we enter it Sophia don't give him time to respond and she said
”hi I want recording from that day and from this hours”
Hearing her tone guy that is there alone said to her ”what who are you to order us” hearing him I just become angry by his tone and I said to myself ' don't play with fire another way you could be alone but why you said us when you is alone there '
Then Sophia words come as respond ”I'm who I'm what I need you to do is give me this”
”no you will not have it and now you will go out” after hearing his respond I couldn't take it anymore and I said to him
”f**k who do you think you are? she is your boss and give her that recording another way you could say byby to work. We are here on business trip and you could think at first why she is talking to you in english”
Hearing my words his eyes almost pop up and he said ”oh sorry miss you will have it soon”
'oh so you know now who she is that good. oh f**k what have I done' I said to myself then I hear Sophia ”oh thanks”. When he finish sending recording to DVD that we wanted she said to him ”and please don't tell anybody today that we were here”
he respond quick ”ok I understand” after hearing his words we go out from there and our destination is room where we spend our time here. 'good that I scary him a lot' I said to myself while closing doors
When we enter our room I hear Sophia question ”what you done”
”nothing I just said him who you are so that's why he change so fast” I answer her. when I take from her then one thought pop up in my mind so I said to her ”we could cut irrelevant parts and only we will left with what is important” I mostly said it to her to when some think happened and we will need to find it one again we just have to show short part.
”oh good idea” Sophia agree with it and I start looking at part where someone take some papers from here when I found out who it is I couldn't stop myself from comment ”you screwed your life” I said loud when I look at boss here. he go in with nothing and go out with some papers.when Sophia saw this her face become red from anger ”calm down he will be out soon you could fire everyone now based for what your father send you here”
hearing my words she said ” I know but still I'm piss off so much”
”I understand you” I answered her and I start cutting that part on my laptop. it take me like 20 minutes. when I finish we start looking around papers we prepare. when we have 30 minutes left to meeting start I give Sophia second doughnuts and we start eating now Sophia eat carelessly and nothing fall on her.
When we finish we have around 20 minutes left so I go to couch knowing that soon they will start coming and as person who is here to be in they eyes I don't need to greed them like Sophia.
then I start reading novels. when I saw that time that our meeting should start and nobody is here I become angry at them that they want let Sophia wait knowing who she is. After some seconds doors open and shaggy and another person come I don't know him.
When they greed Sophia they sit on places what is they. then people start coming I saw that she become more angry that higher ups haven't show up 'wtf they thinking they are' I said to myself when they haven't said anything after being late for 15 minutes.
When 30 minutes pass finally they come ”sorry for being late we have meeting outside” they boss from here said and sit at place opposite toSophia. ”ok I understand” and we start our meeting. when she start talking about company and rules comments about her start going around the room she probably haven't understand them but I have and everyone who is doing it was in our list.
then she start talking about sells it take her some time I haven't pay attention to what she said .
after some minutes pass and she finish saying about it with words ”some of you steal money but today is end of they actions”