30 Party 1 (1/1)
When I finish smoking I use code and go inside knowing that only I will help her around hour. When I was looking at schedule of busses I need do drive. I will have around 50 minutes of helping Sophia and 30 minutes to go to bus stop when bus should be there by schedule. When I went to elevator and go to her doors I heard voices from her home. I recognize some it were from before. When I come inside almost everybody from group were shocked.
When I go inside I said to Sophia ”I will go now home. Tomorrow I don't know when I come I will try after 12. After I look what they have here you could have a hangover tomorrow so when you wake up call me”
”Wait lets help me with some thinks here”
After short time of thinking I answered when she look a little disappointing that I want go away I answer ”ok but first think what have you come with”
Then Mei start talking ” bear, vodka, whiskey, vine that almost all”
”Mixing alcohol is bad idea I'm telling you now but what I can said and to eat what you take”
She answered ”Jim only buy some food and its sweets” when I heard what she said I almost face palm myself knowing what they have done.
”That's bad Sophia don't have here a lot of food we will need to order some think another way you will be knockout fast.”
Hearing my words Mei ask me ”You don't drink”
”Nope I had health problems and now I don't drink”
When Sophia heard our talk she ask me ”What we need one of my friends isn't here and she could buy some thinks
Hearing this I said ” bread, ham, cheese, cucumber, onion and tomato another thinks I don't need to make some thinks to eat I will use what you have here”
Hearing this she take out her phone and call to her.
When I take all alcohol from bags that they come with I put vodka to freezer when Jim saw this he said ”What you doing”
”Trust me I know what I'm doing now” rest go to kitchen. where I put rest of it take me few times to do it they have too much it. When I saw Sophia she was talking with everybody and don't take care of me as i play as host not guest. I haven't care about the talks. I just start playing as host even its not my home. When I almost done searching and preparing thinks to do. I heard ring bell. When Sophia open a doors a beautiful girl come with bags. When Sophia greed with her she said ”Meg what take you so long”
”You don't know how long queue was. I bought thinks what you needed and few extra I will put it at kitchen”
When she come I saw pickles , pickled paprika and pickled mushrooms. Knowing what to do I start giving it to bowls and to the table where everybody sit and drink what they need.