Chapter 153: The real use of the meditation room (1/2)
”You are here, Mr Kadyn.”
Kadyn lifted his head only to find Hayla standing at the entrance, smiling. He struggled through the crowd that was eager to enter the auction house even in such cold weather and reached the girl. ”What are you doing here?” he asked.
”Oh, I was just waiting for you,” she said. ”After all, if you didn't show up, we would have become the laughingstock of the town. It's good you are here, I was just about to go and find you.”
Kadyn nodded and examined the crowd as he inquired. ”How did you spread the news in such a short time? From the crowd, it looks as if everyone knows about today's auction.”
”Of course,” Hayla said. ”After all, no matter how much our chamber of commerce's reputation has been reduced, behind it is still standing a gigantic Woulsto House. No Rank 2 and below water mage would say no to the Rank 2 elemental essence. So it didn't take a lot of effort.”
Kadyn nodded, and then the duo went into the building. He turned towards Hayla and said. ”I won't stay until the end of the auction. I am here just to deliver the elemental essence and to take the paper of the shop.”
”So you won't stay?” Hayla asked with a surprised expression.
Kadyn shook his head. ”I have work to do,” he said. ”I will come tomorrow or send someone to get the money.”
He had already gotten the rune, but he had yet to start etching. He could control himself until now because he hadn't found a place to stay, but now he had settled, and he didn't want to waste his time anymore.
He could feel that he was too weak as compared to the standard of the Ceston Empire. He had no news about his parents, and vicious vampires were searching for him because he had saved Cecelia. Who knows how many unknown dangers were lurking in such a big empire.
— —
After a brief talk with Omm Woulsto, Kadyn went back to the shop. Excitement was written all over his face. He wanted to try and build the World Lotus Rune as soon as possible.
He knew that every Spell Caster rank was divided into four minor levels — Low, Intermediate, Upper, Peak. He would be a low rank 1 mage if he built less than 25 per cent rune and intermediate at the 50 per cent, and when he completed the rune, he would reach the Rank 2 mage. Other ranks would also follow the same system.
Kadyn didn't even go to have dinner and entered his meditation chamber. As he sat at the centre of the formation, he took out a scroll from his pocket, covered it with the spiritual energy, and started to probe it.