Chapter 615 - DOMINEERING KISS (1/2)
Shun did not know what made him snap. Perhaps, it was the rising dissatisfaction about his poor choice of a boyfriend. He did not understand what his future self was thinking because this man was just so boring and proper.
Perhaps, it was the haziness and the lowered inhibitions caused by the countless shots of tequila he had taken. His body felt warm despite the chill of the night. Moreover, he did not feel like that scared amnesiac guy.
In the dark night, he believed he could do anything.
It was probably a combination of different factors, including seeing that sickening interaction between Zhong Feng and Hu Lei. He wanted that. Regardless of the underlying trigger, Shun felt a surge of courage.
He wanted to stand up for himself and demand what he desired. Moreover, he wanted to see Wang Che losing his composure. Most of all, he wanted Wang Che to stop seeing him as a helpless little boy. He had enough of that with his family.
”You know what, I hate you,” Shun said with angry eyes. ”I do not know what you did to make my future self agree to be with you. Did you blackmail him? There is no way I would agree to be with someone like you.”
Wang Che did not take the tantrum seriously. He knew that Shun was drunk, and he was trying to pick a fight with him. He did not understand what happened as soon as Zhong Feng and Hu Lei left. Shun just made a sudden attitude change.
”What is wrong with someone like me?” Wang Che with slight amusement.
Shun stepped closer to him and put on a derisive expression. ”You do not do it for me. I always thought that if I dated a guy, it would be someone strong and bold. Someone who can give me a thrill and a sense of danger. And you are just basic.”
Wang Che's face changed. He did not know what had come over Shun. He felt that surge in his heart that wanted to prove to Shun that he was the man he needed. That he was stronger than Shun could imagine.
However, he knew where that road led. If he let out a little of the beast he chained in his heart and mind, he might not be able to rein it back.
Furthermore, Shun was just drunk after a long period of complete sobriety. Moreover, he did not have a very high tolerance naturally. And tequila was not from the faint-hearted. He needed to remain calm instead of reacting like an animal.
”You are drunk, and I know you are trying to make me angry. Let us talk tomorrow when you have a clear mind.” Wang Che said calmly.
Shun looked at him for a moment before he scoffed.
”As I said, basic.” He turned and started to walk away. ”Now that I have recovered, I can start going out like I apparently used to. Maybe, I will find someone a little more my speed.”
Wang Che saw red. He could accept anything that Shun said and threw at him. He could take the insults and the tantrums.
But he would not stand for Shun threatening to leave him.
He pulled Shun's arm and backed him against the tree. His eyes did not have the usual placid look that said nothing could ruffle him. Rather, they had a dangerous fire and an eerie reddish tinge that betrayed unspeakable anger.
Shun tried to free himself from the hold, but he could not. He looked up at Wang Che with his own angry eyes. However, when he met the dangerous beast in those orbs, he stopped his movement. The anger in him was doused, and he became a little bunny again.
However, he did not look away from Wang Che. He was entranced by the dangerous shade in the usually unflappable man. There was something powerful about knowing he was the one who had made Wang Che lose his composure.
Wang Che ran his hand up Shun's arm and across the collarbones exposed by the V-neck t-shirt. Shun shivered from the sensation of the slightly calloused fingers. Wang Che smiled almost cruelly before he placed his hand around Shun's neck.
He thought Shun would be scared. He wanted to scare Shun for testing his limits. He wanted him to understand that he should not play with fire because he would be burned. He wanted him to know what kind of man he was underneath the shell.
However, Shun did not back off or struggle against the hand holding his neck. In fact, he raised his head a little higher, as if inviting Wang Che to do even more.
Wang Che took in a sharp breath.
Did Shun know what he was doing? Did he understand that it would not take much for him to cut off his air supply?
Wang Che felt angry at Shun's disregard for his safety. But he could not deny that Shun's surrender of power to him was exhilarating. It was a sign of complete trust that gave him a heady feeling as if he was the one who had spent the evening drinking.
He lowered his head a little, almost bringing their faces together. Then, he tightened his hold around Shun's neck, but not enough to affect airflow. Still, it would be an uncomfortable feeling for anyone because of the vulnerability.
Perhaps, Wang Che wanted to see if Shun would continue to trust him if he looked like he would lose control.