Chapter 611 - BARELY BREATHING (1/2)

Wang Che looked at Qi Han for a moment before picking the call. He did not want to trigger Qi Han further by leaving the room to pick up the call. Ultimately, they were close friends from childhood. Even though they got angry at each other, it was unlikely they would cut ties completely.

If he left the room, it would be a sign of mistrust.

”Is there a problem?” Wang Che asked directly.

Oren and Zev knew better than to call unless there was a real issue. Therefore, the call made him a little apprehensive.

”Yes. Mrs Zhong showed up at the villa.” Oren said.

”I see. And?” Wang Che did not know why Hu Lei showing up at the villa was a problem.

”We told her that she could not come into the villa as per your orders,” Oren reported.

Wang Che's lips tensed a little at hearing this information. He could already see how this matter could have escalated. He knew Hu Lei's personality, and she was not someone who would accept things not going her way.

He never thought that she would visit Shun, especially after their disagreement at the wedding. He knew she blamed herself for Shun's accident. He had reassured her that she was not at fault for the incident. In truth, her disagreement with Shun was the one that made Shun confess his feelings.

If not for the accident and the complications that followed, Wang Che would have sent her a new motorcycle as an expression of gratitude.

He thought that she would take a lot of time before she gained the guts to visit Shun. Moreover, he never exposed the location of his private residence. Although, he supposed it was not difficult for Zhong Feng to find it.

If he knew Hu Lei would just show up, he would have instructed Oren and Zev to let her in. While they were tough and resourceful, they were not the best at dealing with social issues. They would follow his instructions at face value.

”I suppose she did not take it well.” He said wryly.

”She decided to sneak into the residence,” Oren said with dissatisfaction, almost sulking. ”She got in quite easily. I am not sure how she did it. The systems did not pick anything up, and the guards are quite vigilant.”

Wang Che remembered the first time he met Hu Lei during that game in the Hidden Realm. They were in the same group at the beginning of the game. But one of the girls in their group activated a trap, separating Hu Lei from them.

A few moments later, Hu Lei activated another trap with laser beams. Everyone thought Hu Lei would be kicked from the game, but she had the skills of a seasoned gymnast or contortionist as she escaped from the trap.

Over the years, Wang Che realised that Hu Lei was more than she let on. Most of the time, she was curled up against Zhong Feng like a small and helpless bird. However, now and then, he would catch a glimpse of a dangerous predator.

Moreover, he never forgot the incident that drove Qi Han insane. Even if he was not sure how accurate Qi Han's memory was, Hu Lei was probably quite capable. At the very least, she saved Qi Han from certain death.

He was confident about the security at the villa, but he did not know enough about Hu Lei. And clearly, he had underestimated her. The people guarding his villa were not to sneeze at. Their instincts were sharp, honed by years of battle.

”When we noticed that she snuck into the villa, Zev decided to confront her and ask her to leave.” Oren continued with a hint of awkwardness.

Wang Che could see how this might be bad. Zev had a stiffer personality than all the others, and he followed orders and rules as they were written. It took a lot for him to break the rules, and even then, he would feel guilty and unwilling to forgive himself.

It made him a great soldier, but it made his social interactions difficult.