Chapter 525 - IN ANOTHER LEAGUE (1/2)

The chauffeur opened the door to their car, and Akira stepped out first. Her face had become a little colder during the car ride. She knew things would not be simple when she discovered that the Minister had come to pick her up in person.

She had a feeling that the meeting was a big trap.

Aide Suzuki looked at the cold Akira, but she did not say anything. The pressure coming from the small pregnant woman was enough to make a feel a little chilly. As someone who revolved in the political scene, she was not unfamiliar with that oppression.

The Minister stepped out with a cheery demeanour as if everything was going according to plan.

”Taira, you can go ahead and handle other business. Ms Yamazaki and I will have our lunch in private.” Minister Shimada said.

She started walking toward the house with confident steps. Even at her age, she was a stylish and dignified woman. When she walked on her low heels, there was an appealing charm to it.

”Minister Shimada, it would be best if I joined you for the meeting. After all, this is your first consultation with Ms Yamazaki.” Taira followed quickly on her higher heels.

The implication was obvious. Akira was a stranger on the scene. Taira was concerned that Akira had some evil motives against the minister. But in the depth of her heart, she did not think the little pregnant lady could do anything to her iron boss.

She just did not like being out of the loop.

Plus, something about Akira made Taira antagonistic towards her from the moment she saw her paused at the door of the chartered plane. Her aura was like that of a person who did not care for the good things in the world, like private flights.

She looked detached, like an immortal looking at foolish mortals.

It irked Suzuki Taira, who was always running around and doing her best.

If she let the meeting take place while she was absent, it meant that the Minister was recognising Akira as an equal or a friend. She would not be a mere ȧssociate who was listening to orders. She would be speaking on equal ground.

That thought caused something strange to burn in Suzuki's heart.

Minister Shimada stopped and turned to the rushing Taira with cold eyes. ”Have my instructions become too difficult for you to understand?”

Aide Suzuki stopped cold in her tracks. Even though she was just a glorified ȧssistant to the Minister, she received great treatment. The minister also looked a little tough to outsiders, but she did not treat her staff poorly or too strictly.

Her only requirement was for people to do the job for which they were hired.

At that moment, she realised that she had crossed a line. She let her jealousy for an unknown woman get to her. If she pushed further, she was sure that the Minister would not hesitate to take action against her.