Chapter 274 - THE MADWOMAN (1/2)

Agent Larsen grunted angrily and allowed the two people into the converted hangar. The space was cool and clean, but the mess on the desk and walls was too much. There were piles of papers everywhere and boards with seemingly random information.

Kristian looked at Kaito to see if he had nefarious purposes. However, he just looked at everything with a clear and unveiled interest. ​​

His clear eyes irked Kristian even more.

The devil did seem like an angel of light.

”Mr Zhong, what happened exactly?” Kristian asked.

”I believe that Hu Lei was lured by a group of mercenaries to an unguarded location while the security efforts were concentrated in resisting the attack from local low-level mercenaries. She was taken from the bathroom and the surveillance was compromised during the kerfuffle.”

”However, my people have found a large hole in the concrete fence around the perimeter. My working theory is that one of the mercenaries was tasked with taking down surveillance. The noise from the attack of the mercenaries masked the wall being blown up.” Zhong Feng explained.

”It is strange that the Interpol is here with the notice of such a short period,” Kaito commented.

”Not that you need to know, but we have been tracking a certain person of interest in a case for a few weeks in this area,” Kristian answered curtly.

”What person?” Zhong Feng asked.

”A woman who has been linked to some disappearances over the years. Her prey is young men. Unfortunately, she works for a big organisation, making it impossible for law enforcement to bring her in and question her.” Kristian said.

Zhong Feng and Kaito looked at each other with unveiled surprise. They had the same thought. It could be the person they were looking for.

”What organisation?” Zhong Feng asked.

”The International Health Organisation,” Kristian replied. ”It is a major medical charity organisation that works with poor nations to provide health care. It has enjoyed a good reputation for many years. This woman seems to be the head of the research division. It seems impossible to touch her.”

Zhong Feng felt shell-shocked. He had shared the information about the International Health Organisation with his contact in Interpol, but he could understand that they were still investigating the validity of his claims.

After all, they could not simply declare that a well-respected group was involved in nefarious activities around the world without real evidence.

It seemed that he was not wrong.

”Can I see a photo of this woman?” Kaito asked.