Chapter 271 - IF ONLY (1/2)

Zhong Feng felt overwhelmed and confused as he walked out of the bathroom like a zombie. He thought he had prepared for all the eventualities. However, Hu Lei had still been captured. He could not understand how things could go so wrong.

”Brother-in-law,” A cheerful voice called out as he walked towards the event.​​

Kaito walked over leisurely while giving the guards a side glance of superiority. They had been looking at him suspiciously just as he had been about to enter the banquet hall. It could be said that their eyes were not bad…

Still, how could they think that he looked like a suspicious person when he was simply there to support his brother-in-law?

The loud call snapped Zhong Feng out of his daze.

He looked at his watch and realised that he had wasted five minutes on useless thoughts instead of searching for Hu Lei.

The sooner he began his search, the faster he would be able to find her safely.

He walked to Kaito and grabbed him by the elbow and pulled him away from the event entrance area. Kaito was surprised by the gesture and frowned at the unusual behaviour. Zhong Feng was not a tactile person, and Kaito had noticed.

However, soon after, his eyes sparkled with a mischievous light.

”Brother-in-law, we can't. Hu Lei would kill me.” He teased with a smile.

Zhong Feng gritted his teeth as he held back the impulse to hit him. Once he found Hu Lei, he would have her deal with him. For now, he needed his help.

He took him up to his exclusive hotel room in Demesne. While he was anxious to discuss the matter of Hu Lei's disappearance, he did not want to speak in a place where people could hear about the occurrence.

If the information spread out, it might become more difficult to find Hu Lei.

He had learnt a lesson years ago when some unrelated people had claimed to have seen Hu Lei when he was searching for her all over the world. All that while, she was imprisoned in Antarctica. Those people only wanted to earn a little money from him.

While he did not mind spending money, the time wasted could not be recovered.

When he closed the door, he faced Kaito with a rare emotional face.

The other man backed away with dramatic wariness.

”Brother-in-law, keep a clear mind.” He spoke while clutching his collar with the fear of a young maiden.

”This is not the time for jokes. Hu Lei has been kidnapped.” Zhong Feng spoke solemnly.

Kaito snapped out of his little dramatic play and looked at Zhong Feng with the seriousness of the man who led the most feared ȧssassin group in the world.

”What happened? Is it the group I warned you about?” Kaito asked.

”I believe so. The mercenaries did cause some chaos, but they did not enter the hotel. I need you to tell me the complete information you found so I can determine what happened.” Zhong Feng did not want to rush out without the right details in case he endangered Hu Lei further.

”The woman in charge of the mercenary hire seemed to want to destroy your event, but she made it clear that she did not want you dead. I ȧssumed she had a grudge against you.” Kaito said with narrowed, contemplative eyes.

”What woman? Where?” Zhong Feng felt like he was hearing a fairy tale without a start or an end.