\”Hu Lei!\” Pierre shouted in the airport and rushed to her.

He swept her into a hug and swung her around. Hu Lei could not help smiling. Pierre might be a damsel-in-distress kind of person, but his heart had always been good, even after hooking up with that barbarian, Vlad the Impaler.

\”Pierre, put me down.\” She ordered as she noticed some people taking photos.

Pierre with his golden hair, height and flair was the kind of man who attracted attention. It was a pity that he was always the painter and never the model because he had the je ne sais quoi that attracted the eyes of both males and females.

\”I am so glad that you are here, Hu Lei.\” He put her down after another hug.

\”Next time you do that, I will shave your head.\” Hu Lei threatened.

\”You wouldn't. You know this glorious mane is the only reason Vlad keeps me around.\” He sighed with a generous dose of dramatic shivering.

Hu Lei rolled her eyes. \”Let's go and pick up your luggage.\”

Beatrice drove them from the airport to the Westend apartments. Hu Lei noticed her assistant looking at Pierre. The man winked at her once, and she blushed in an uncharacteristic manner. Yes, Pierre was a lot of trouble.

\”Should I leave you alone with him?\” Beatrice asked nervously instead of stepping back into the car.

Hu Lei looked at her flatly. \”What do you think will happen?\”

Beatrice flushed a little. \”He is a very good looking man.\”

\”No one is better-looking than my Ah-Feng. Go home and rest. If I know Pierre and I do, you will be busy.\”

In the end, Beatrice could do nothing but go home.

\”This is my apartment.\” Hu Lei ushered Pierre in while also helping with his luggage. She appreciated the efficiency with which Chen Li had handled the repairs. The formerly damaged space looked better than ever. \”You can stay here during your visit.\”

\”What about you?\”

\”I am rarely here. I just bought this place as an expression of my independence. I will stay in the penthouse. I usually stay there most of the time. You can use anything you like.\” She smiled as she showed him around the apartment.