When Hu Lei woke up, it was already in the afternoon. Since she had nothing urgent to handle, she did not rush. She took a long bath, dressed up and went downstairs for lunch. Housekeeper Li smiled with genuine happiness when he saw her.

”Miss Hu, it has been a while. How have you been?” He ushered her to the dining room with the flattering expression of a lackey.

The servants in the Area 99 villa had come to love Hu Lei during the time she spent there. She was not a haughty person. She would not make life difficult for the people who worked in the house. Moreover, she was kind an open. Her cute appearance also won the favour of the older workers in the villa.

Unfortunately, she had not come back to the house for a while which meant that there was no one to take care of. It was always difficult for the maids, the chef and the butler when no one was in the house. They always felt listless because they would only do routine meaningless tasks without a goal.

Now that Hu Lei had come back, Housekeeper Li intended to motivate her to stay for a little longer.

”It is nice to see you too. I have missed this house.” Hu Lei spoke with genuine feelings.

She had spent a lot of time in this villa during her period of recuperation. Her reason for leaving was because she felt it was a little inappropriate to stay. This villa was Zhong Feng's official house. In simple terms, it was the place which was recognised as his main home.

Therefore, it could not be compared to the anonymity and simplicity of his other residences. The penthouse was merely a place he stayed for convenience when working on important projects. The Azure Woods mansion… He had told her that it was going to be their secret love nest.

The villa was different because of its openness. She had been cautious about staying there to avoid facing complications. Moreover, she liked the privacy of being only with Zhong Feng and doing normal domestic things. Still, there was so much that she loved about the Area 99 villa.

”Chef made your favourites.” Housekeeper Li indicated at the rich spread of food on the table.

”Are you trying to make me fat?” Hu Lei laughed.

Housekeeper Li coughed a little with awkwardness. How could he admit that the household staff had held a meeting for this? They were determined to have their master in the house, and they knew the way to do it was to please Miss Hu.

”I thought you would appreciate the food. I understand that you are quite busy. I am anxiously waiting for the release of the movie.” Housekeeper Li was a smart man.