”CEO Zhong, this matter is rather sensitive. It might cause some problems if an outsider were to hear about it.” Miss Lu looked at Hu Lei without subtlety.

Hu Lei looked up and felt like she had been blinded. She had been trying to reduce her presence to avoid disrupting Zhong Feng's work. After all, she was the one who had wilfully come to his office. Therefore, she had not even looked up when the two people had entered.

After looking up, she regretted it immediately. Why would the woman wear so much red? And it was not even a good red; it was the flaming, screaming type. Was she afraid that the creatures in a galaxy far far away would not be able to see her?

More importantly, how could Zhong Feng claim that he was not in demand? The first woman who had come into his office already looked like she wanted to kill her. It was obvious that she had some impure thoughts. Humph! She would deal with him later.

To avoid being permanently visually impaired, she turned back to her phone. She was checking and responding to the comments on her first official post on the Little Ninja Cat page. Although she had left the promotion a little early, she was definitely not abandoning TQA. She wanted the movie to succeed exponentially because its production was a gift from Zhong Feng.

”When did my person become an outsider?” Zhong Feng turned his unfriendly eyes to the red figure.

Miss Lu felt like lightning had struck her down, and she had turned into ash. What had happened when she had left? Why had no one told her that Zhong Feng had a girlfriend? It was impossible. No, he probably did not mean it that way. It was probably just a general figure of speech.

”I am sorry. I only meant that it is a delicate issue for the company.” She quickly backtracked. When facing troubles, you had to know when to fold. ”The thing is we are having trouble with the owner of the property next to the resort. He has refused to allow us to give us the right of way during the construction. So, there is no way for the construction of the main part of the resort to continue.”

”How did construction begin without the approval of this said property owner?” Zhong Feng linked his fingers in front of him.

”The former project manager had a verbal agreement with him. I just took over.” Miss Lu looked wrong and directed her pitiful eyes to Zhong Feng's face like an offering.

But how could this man be touched? His eyes had only one girl. Even in another situation, this woman would fail miserably. After all, she was attempting to compete with Hu Lei whose cute appearance looked like an adorable kitten. When Miss Lu was looked at in comparison, the sight was a little too ugly.

”It is your responsibility to check the details of the project after taking over. You should have noticed this problem immediately before this complication happened. This level of incompetence is unacceptable.”

”CEO Zhong, I believe that the property owner made an informal agreement so that they could increase the value of their property while evading the limitations of an easement.” The middle-aged director said, preventing Miss Lu from speaking again.

”You are also responsible for this problem. If you cannot oversee things properly, I am sure we can find someone more suitable.” Zhong Feng said in warning because he could see that this director was attempting to protect the irresponsible project manager.

”I apologize, CEO Zhong.” The man stood up and bowed with cold drops of sweat on his brow.

”You will go to the site and personally deal with this.” With this chance to atone, the director bowed again before hurrying out of the office, forgetting about Miss Lu.

”CEO Zhong, I would also like to report that there is someone impersonating the members of my team.” Miss Lu did not realise the danger she had fallen into, so she continued talking. ”A person known as San Shi snuck into this building under false pretences.”

When Hu Lei heard about this, she felt awkward. How could she have given out such an uncreative name? She had tarnished her reputation. However, she had done it, and she had to own it. But there was one question in her mind. Was this nonsense the kind of thing that people reported to the big boss? Didn't he have people for that?

”I am San Shi.” She sat up and finally spoke.