Hu Lei felt like she had been dropped from a tower when she heard the question. In that moment, she considered running back to the bureau and asking if they could undo the marriage. It was only a little signature. How did it turn into an evening with the Zhong family?
”You do not have to go if you do not want to, Xiao Lei.” The man seemed to notice her discomfort.
Hu Lei definitely did not want to go. However, she considered the most critical matter. These were Ah Feng's parents. She could not pretend that they did not exist. Moreover, it was obvious that they cared deeply for him. Since she did not intend to let him go, she needed to find a way to get along with her in-laws.
”It is not like that.” She chewed on her plumb lip a little. ”Have you told them anything about me?”
She wanted to know what she would be working with if she met them. If she understood the situation, she could be more prepared. Of course, she knew that his family did not really like her. However, that did not mean that she could not change their mind and have them accept her wholeheartedly.
Zhong Feng looked uncomfortable about the question. Hu Lei looked at him with a legendary death stare.
”I have not told them about you. They have only heard about you from Mian.” He responded.
Hu Lei frowned at these words. She finally understood the reason she had been accosted by the round man in the hospital parking lot. It seemed that Zhong Mian had been the culprit that painted her in a negative light. Granted, their meetings in the past had not been successful. But was there a reason to report to her parents like a little childish tattletale?
”Did your parents not ask you about me? They must have been interested.” She said thoughtfully.
Zhong Feng's eyes darkened a little. Though his parents treated him well, they often avoided direct confrontation with him when it came to personal matters. His mother had tried encouraging him to find a girlfriend and to forget the past without inquiring about the matter involving Hu Lei.
Zhong Tian had confronted him once, but his father had already reached his own conclusion, not caring about the details. At the time, Zhong Feng had been worried about Hu Lei's disappearance. It had not seemed important to clarify the matter at the time.
Now, it seemed like this poor decision had come back to haunt him. He felt that he had caused this problem, regardless of his reasons. However, he would ensure that Hu Lei would not be hurt, intentionally or unintentionally.
”It does not matter. Even though they might have checked up on you, they will not cause trouble.” Zhong Feng responded.
Hu Lei felt that there were a lot of words left unsaid. However, she did not want to worry about the past. She would deal with any issues as they came. Even if she decided to blame Zhong Feng for failing to build up her reputation before his parents, nothing would change.
In addition, there were some things that she needed to handle personally. How could she depend on Zhong Feng for even this simple matter?
”You should not speak like that. Your parents obviously treasure you.” She smiled a little, deciding not to dig further.
Zhong Feng reached his hand to clasp her hand. He knew that her mind had drifted to her own life. He did not want to speak empty words. No words would make a loss as great as hers seem less. However, he could only provide comfort through his presence.
Hu Lei quickly threw off her morose mood.
”I should prepare appropriate gifts when making my magnificent debut.” She declared.