127 WHAT CAN YOU DO? (1/2)
Hu Lei did not want to remain in the Area 99 villa while Zhong Feng was not around. She did not feel comfortable about it since there would be other people in the house. Even though her life had changed, she did not like being vulnerable. Moreover, she could deduce that without the fearful presence of Zhong Feng, some people would start making their move.
While she was not an easy target, there was no need to borrow trouble.
She thought about the problem for some moments before she told Zhong Feng that she would stay in the penthouse for the time being. This would also make it convenient for her to prepare her apartment. There was no need to complicate life by going back to the Hu Manor or staying in a hotel.
In any case, she had never held back when it came to Zhong Feng. She would not be hypocritical about something small like this.
When Zhong Feng left before the crack of dawn, she could not fall asleep again. There was a chill which seemed to penetrate into her heart. A sense of apprehension seemed to cloud her mind, making her feel lost as soon as he left. But she did not drown in distress.
Fortunately, her creative juices were still flowing. She had worked in the last months to finish the novels which she had abandoned three years ago. It had been challenging to continue because she was a little different than she was then.
However, she had channelled that change into giving her characters a fresh breath. Most of her books always involved some kind of horror and science fiction twists. With her experience, she definitely felt like an expert.
She hoped that her fans would like what she had done with the old stories, if she still had fans. She felt a little depressed at the thought.
Now that she had completed those books, she could move on to her new piece of work. She wanted to have a fresh start as an author without abandoning her original genre. She could not abandon her style. Even if her stories were born due to the horrors she had seen over the years, she still loved this type of fiction.
Moreover, she felt that it would be a shame not to exploit all the knowledge she had gathered from her travels. The least that those dark times could do is earning her some money. Even though she thought in this manner, her eyes sparkled when a new twisted idea cropped up in her mind.
Her new novel was not completely out of the box. It was similar in style with the others in regard to the technical and scientific aspects. However, she felt that it could be one of her greatest books. It was not because she intended to come up with some crazy plot. On the contrary, she intended to explore a more emotional side of the story.
She had always avoided using emotional scenes in her work because she did not completely understand emotions. She had learnt how to suppress feelings since childhood, or perhaps they had been excised by someone.
Now, she felt like she understood the power of emotion a little more. Perhaps with this story, she might be able to unlock that tight rein that still bound her mind and heart.
With the tale forming in mind, she carried her laptop to the couch. She hoped that this would be the tale of ages. She could not help getting excited, her fingers flying across her keyboard.
When the doorbell of the penthouse rang a few hours later, Hu Lei was startled. She felt like she had been in a deep dream. Her mind felt a little cottony and her hands were cramping for typing continuously without resting.
She placed her laptop aside and opened the door for Beatrice. The woman was wearing a fitting suit once again. It did not look any different from the one before. Perhaps it was the same one, who knew? It seemed like this was her style.