Zhong Feng and Hu Lei walked into the house feeling light-hearted. Their relationship had moved a couple of steps forward and there was hope for more in the future. Their lingering smiles complemented the pink aura around them.
Housekeeper Li looked at the couple coming into the house and felt as if he was in a parallel universe. Though his boss had informed him that he was bringing a girl, he did not think that there would be this type of warm atmosphere around them.
He was used to a Zhong Feng who remained isolated from everyone. He did not speak unnecessarily or even change his facial expression. Usually, he would use a single cold look to communicate his displeasure and get things done.
He had been especially silent and cold in the past few years. No one had known the specifics of the matter, but it was said that he had been jilted by a girl. Of course, only a foolish man would dare to ask about this matter. They had all just stepped lightly around him. No one wanted a disaster to fall on them.
”Sir, you are back.” He greeted respectfully.
Zhong Feng nodded curtly at him. Housekeeper Li felt uncomfortable because his handsome master had a soft expression on his face. He knew that it was not directed at him but still… His heart thumped a little. He wanted to run before being bent.
”Is everything prepared?” Zhong Feng asked ignoring the idiotic look on the housekeeper's face.
”Everything has been prepared as instructed.” Housekeeper Li responded seriously.
Hu Lei at the side felt ignored. She used an elbow to prod Zhong Feng's lower abdomen. He looked down at her disgruntled face and smiled a little. Some minutes ago, she wanted to run off because of the people in the house. Now, she wanted an introduction.
”Do not worry. Everyone is aware that you are the lady of the house.” He laughed lightly.
”You- I was only reminding you it is polite to introduce people.” Her eyes blazed.
Housekeeper Li felt like his world had shifted again. Who would dare scold the master? However, he could see that Zhong Feng was not annoyed. He only looked indulgently at the girl beside him. It seemed that he was completely serious about her.
But if this was the case, was there a chance that she was that girl who had dumped him? It seems unlikely that the master would suddenly get over his heartache after three years so suddenly and then bring another woman home immediately. Housekeeper Li's thoughts consumed him, but he could not ask.
”Miss Hu, I am Housekeeper Li. If you have a problem, please ask me.” He bowed toward her with a charming smile.
Zhong Feng shot a cold eye at his loyal housekeeper as Hu Lei smiled back cheerfully, accepting his offer. Housekeeper Li felt a cold shiver run down his back, and he looked at his master. This was the Zhong Feng he knew. His icy eyes seemed to communicate that his life would be in jeopardy in a few moments.
As a person with strong self-saving instincts, the poor man realised that his boss was annoyed at his friendly exchange with his lady. 'Isn't this a little too much?' he cried in his heart. I was merely being a responsible and reliable housekeeper.
”I will check on lunch with the chef.” He spoke before disappearing at a surprising speed.