When the simple dinner was concluded, Zhong Feng escorted Hu Lei to her bedroom. She did not protest though the night was young. In truth, she did not want to go to bed. She was not sleepy, and she did not want to be alone even if her room was spacious and gently lighted, unlike the prison cell.
She had an unrelenting fear that once she woke up, she would find herself chained in a cold prison. Everything still felt surreal. Only in her wildest dreams had she dared to think of anyone coming for her, rescuing her. She had always been the one who rescued.
The possibility that someone cared for her this much was almost impossible to conceive. She could not help worrying that once her eyes were closed, the illusion would break. That once again, she would be all alone in the world.
Zhong Feng could see the reluctance on her little face, but he refused to weaken his resolve. If she continued to remain awake, her body and mind would not heal. He had not forgotten his priority was to restore her health.
”Be good.” He spoke gently while patting her head. ”Proper rest is important.”
Hu Lei pouted when she realised that he was treating her like a child. However, she still did not speak. She obediently entered the soft bed, and he covered her with a fluffy duvet. She looked at him with a certain longing before turning away.
For a moment, she had thought about asking him to stay for a while with her. But then, it dawned on her that she would be causing trouble for nothing. She also did not want to be treated like a helpless person or a broken good. She needed to face her fears.
”Do not worry. I will be in the room opposite this one. If anything happens, I will be here.” He added before leaving the room.
Thankfully, he did not close the door. Hu Lei felt touched by the gesture.
When Zhong Feng went to his room, he did not go to sleep. He did not have the luxury because his workload was bigger than ever. His absenteeism for multiple days had not spared him the stress of dealing with the countless concerns of Zhong Industries.
Though he had been the president of the corporation for more than two years now, there were still a lot of tasks which needed his personal intervention. Moreover, he had worked hard to expand and increase the power of the corporation into the international market which had significantly increased his responsibilities.
However, he planned to delegate the work more now since he achieved his primary goal. When he had first taken over the company, he had been hoping to increase his power so that he could gain more connections to find Hu Lei. His position had allowed him to connect with military personnel, intelligence officers, business magnates and other influential people who had contributed to the fulfilment of his goals. He was not arrogant enough to think that they would have paid him attention if he did not have control over Zhong Industries.
Of course, he did not plan to abandon Zhong Industries after achieving his purpose. He would keep the company tightly in his grasp. It was not for a noble reason such as repaying the favour to those who had contributed to his success. The success that these individuals had enjoyed since his tenure began was enough repayment.
He intended to keep the power because he could not imagine being helpless again to help someone important to him. He still remembered that feeling of weakness and powerlessness when he could do nothing about Hu Lei's disappearance because he had no means.